Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Network

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 24,2020

RUSH: Did you know that there’s an illegal immigrant-protection network for the 2020 Census?

Yeah. According to Roll Call, a “network” of nonprofit organizations, local governments, and “advocacy” groups joined forces to make sure the Census Bureau does a thorough job this year when it comes to counting illegal immigrants.

There’s a simple reason this liberal “network” came together for the census. It’s about the money. Trillions of federal dollars flow into states and cities based on the number of people who can claim that they’re “in need.” Liberals in blue states and blue cities depend on illegal immigrants to keep that money flowing.

But the liberal network is afraid. Roll Calls says they fear that the Trump administration will send ICE agents to raid community events where the Census Bureau is participating. The liberal protection network worries that if ICE conducts raids in communities with lots of illegals, that would destroy months and months of outreach. Illegal immigrants might not want to risk coming forward to be counted, you see, especially if the Drive-By Media makes a big deal out of the immigration raids.

So here’s what the liberal network wants: You Trump people, you ICE agents? No immigration raids during the census. And you Drive-By Media types: If there are ICE immigration raids, don’t cover them and don’t report them, because every illegal must be counted. Because some day they’re going to vote — hopefully Democrat, they think.

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