Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Export California
RUSH: California is a great example of what radical, unhinged, and unchecked liberalism could do to the rest of the country.
RUSH: California is a great example of what radical, unhinged, and unchecked liberalism could do to the rest of the country.
RUSH: Any retaliation that they engage in is gonna result in them being hit 10 times worse than whatever they dish out, and they know it.
RUSH: If this were a normal press-president relationship, there were three things the president said yesterday that were genuine news.
RUSH: It looks like Trump's mantra still stands, "Buy American!" The Iranians clearly are.
RUSH: You tell me the difference between these guys and the Democrats. You can't.
RUSH: We all ought to be very concerned about it because the guy is nuts.
RUSH: They are in the process, folks, of finally telling everybody who they are. And I don't mind them doing it.
RUSH: The president's having successes like these in an election year, and you're going to be hearing about this as the days and weeks, months unfurl.
RUSH: Sometimes the news in the Stack of Stuff is just too good to be true.
RUSH: CNBC mistakes Andrew Yang for a Republican venture capitalist also named Yang. You notice how many times this happens?
RUSH: Obama personally picked the targets. Obama personally gave the orders.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.