Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Prediction Comes True
RUSH: They can’t run against Donald Trump with the truth, folks, it's just that simple. They’re going to run against him with lies and they’re going to lose.
RUSH: They can’t run against Donald Trump with the truth, folks, it's just that simple. They’re going to run against him with lies and they’re going to lose.
RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don't doubt me. They're panicking big time on the left.
RUSH: We now have Donald Trump, who is doing more for conservatism — and he isn't one — than any conservative prior to him with the exception of Ronaldus Magnus.
RUSH: He's driving them crazy. He's keeping them believing that Trump and Putin are buddies and are sabotaging the Democrats. I think it was hilarious.
RUSH: I don't believe they have the slightest idea what they are headed for in 2020. I really don't.
RUSH: I don't think enough people realize exactly what we are all up against today when opposing the American left or the Democrat Party.
RUSH: This same guy could burn an American flag and he would be feted as a hero.
RUSH: He had a great line about the accusation from Pelosi that she's the one that has all the "leverage" now.
RUSH: I want to see the 6 a.m. raid at his house, like they did to Manafort, like they did to Roger Stone. Let's see the 6 a.m. raid to his house to get his computers and all the other stuff.
RUSH: He got his nickname Captain America from the Ryder Cup, and he's a very popular player. He's very infectious. But he's a renegade.
RUSH: Has she forgotten who Trump is married to? I don't think she could find anybody that would even make a dent.
RUSH: Breaking news, breaking news.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.