Rush 24/7 Morning Update: They Never Stop
RUSH: Even when liberals lose, even when they are proven embarrassingly wrong, they never stop. Reality bites them on the butt all the time, but they’re too unhinged to notice.
RUSH: Even when liberals lose, even when they are proven embarrassingly wrong, they never stop. Reality bites them on the butt all the time, but they’re too unhinged to notice.
RUSH: Well, if you're watching this fiasco, I know that it's frustrating to watch, and I gotta tell you, folks…
RUSH: They want to continue to be accepted by the nameless, faceless power brokers that run this operation, that run this deep state.
RUSH: The more the Democrats do publicly on this — I told you — they go public, and it falls apart on 'em. They go public with it, and it ends up being devastating.
RUSH: Horowitz has confirmed that the dossier was it. The dossier was the only thing. Without the dossier, there would not have been any FISA warrants.
CALLER: This is so outrageous and egregious in the bureau that it's just unbelievable to those of us that have served.
RUSH: There is nothing the Democrat Party's doing that's infectious. They're not doing anything that makes people want to join their team.
RUSH: The city's struggles with homelessness and human feces, open drug use and street violence may be scaring off tourism and other businesses.
RUSH: The best they've got to advance that failing cause is a 16-year-old?
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.