Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Reason for the Season
RUSH: It doesn’t matter what season it is. The reason is always the same. For leftists, it's hate — pure, raw hate — plain and simple.
RUSH: It doesn’t matter what season it is. The reason is always the same. For leftists, it's hate — pure, raw hate — plain and simple.
RUSH: Don't be misled by what they first reported. They first reported that the IG could find no bias, no political bias in the investigation. That's just because nobody he talked to admitted it.
RUSH: My God. Based on everything we've heard leading up to today and we get two of the flimsiest articles of impeachment that don't even specify any crimes.
RUSH: I think it is such a profoundly major thing that's being attempted here. Look at it as trying to defeat the Soviet Union without firing a shot.
RUSH: They've been holding it up for a year. Why, if this guy is so bad, why would you make any kind of a legislative agreement with him?
RUSH: I would love to believe everything you're saying. You know, I have to live with the fact that anybody can call here and say anything.
RUSH: It's gonna be up to the Lindsey Graham committee tomorrow to square this, and to get Horowitz to pull back on this whole absurd idea that there wasn't any bias.
RUSH: Bloomberg is suggesting these people don't have a clue how to get elected; the ideas they have don't relate to anything the American people really want — and he's absolutely right.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.