Pensacola Shooting Suspect Was Saudi National

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 6,2019

RUSH: The Associated Press, ladies and gentlemen, breaking news! “U.S. official says that the Florida naval station shooting suspect…” There were three dead plus the shooter, others wounded up in Pensacola, the U.S. naval base. This is the kind of naval base that if you saw the movie Top Gun, that was shot in San Diego, but same stuff happens at Pensacola.

“Shooting suspect was an aviation student from” dadelut, dadelut, dadelut “Saudi Arabia.  Authorities are investigating if the shooting might be terrorism related.” Nobody has the slightest idea.  They’re digging deep.  They’re gonna look long and hard to try to find any evidence that so far can’t be seen, can’t be found.  “Shooting suspect was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia.”

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