After Slow Walk, Why Make Tracks to Impeach Now?
RUSH: Weren’t the Democrats wanting to drag this impeachment thing out at first to kind of bleed Trump dry? You know, death by a thousand cuts. Now, all of a sudden, they want to speed this up.
RUSH: Weren’t the Democrats wanting to drag this impeachment thing out at first to kind of bleed Trump dry? You know, death by a thousand cuts. Now, all of a sudden, they want to speed this up.
RUSH: The president of the United States has just told Jerry Nadler to go pound whatever it is he eats. He's not showing up.
RUSH: You demeaned yourself. You had the affair with Strzok Smirk, and you were the guys plotting the demise of Donald Trump.
RUSH: An entire political party waiting to be built and formed on the premise of opposing the left. Donald Trump's the guy that came along and did it.
RUSH: There’s not one bit of evidence that supports anything they have done. It has to implode on them.
RUSH: I think the White House ought to do the same thing. Just stop credentialing anybody from Bloomberg, since they’ve openly said that they’re not gonna cover Democrats.
RUSH: If there was any meddling in the election, it was Hillary Clinton with Russia and with the American and foreign intelligence communities trying to undermine Donald Trump.
RUSH: Do you realize the precedent it sets, to fire a reporter for being wrong about Trump? That puts every damn one of them on the chopping block.
RUSH: It was a thrilling, nice party. It was a great honor to be part of it.
RUSH: In terms of their objectives, this is one of the biggest bombs that we have witnessed.
RUSH: This guy doesn't want a job in the NFL. He's making sure he doesn't get hired.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: Last May, Georgia Clark sent President Trump some tweets, which she thought were private.