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RUSH: I’m gonna mention something very briefly before I get into this so that I don’t forget it or move it to later. I saw something, I don’t know if it was Sunday or Monday, over the weekend. It was kind of a throwaway story. To me, it is a fundamental illustration of one of the problems we’ve got.

A U.K. Telegraph story. It was a survey of kids not in the U.K., here in the United States, between the ages of 16 and 24. Seventy percent had never heard of Mao Tse-tung. Seventy percent had never heard of Mao Tse-tung, age 16 to 24. Forty percent had never heard of Joseph Stalin. And there was a third communist, murderous thug that people had not heard of.

I wasn’t surprised. I was saddened by it. It makes perfect sense. The left has taken over public education. They’re weeding out all of the truth. In fact, if you recall during the Obama administration one of his first original aides had testified, Anita Dunn was her name, and she’s married to the guy that runs one of the big law firms, Perkins Coie. Anita Dunn testified to her admiration for Mao Tse-tung.

Remember when she got in deep doo-doo? She testified to her admiration for Mao Tse-tung in the ability he had to marshal his forces and move his country in the direction he wanted it. Never mind that he murdered 40 million people to do it. Stalin murdered 40 million people to advance his ideas.

So I was at an event yesterday where there were a bunch of kids. And I ran my own personal survey. I ran into 10 of them. They were all high school students, and one of them was in college. I said, “Have you ever heard of Mao Tse-tung?”

“Uhhh, the Tiananmen Square guy, right?”

The Tiananmen Square guy? None of them had heard of Joseph Stalin. Not a single one of them had. And this, by the way, is a fairly elite private school. And not a one of them knew who Joseph Stalin was and some of them said that Mao Tse-tung was the Tiananmen Square guy. At least they were able to associate Mao Tse-tung with China, but Mao Tse-tung was dead when Tiananmen Square happened.

So it’s just an illustration of — you know, we have two pillars or two foundational elements that are largely the most influential in creating public opinion. One is the media, and the other is education. And if public education — and we know this is true — downplaying the truth of communism, why do so many Millennials think socialism is wonderful? Why do so many of them think communists — 70% of American Millennials are fascinated by the idea of socialism, and 30% say communism’s a good idea. It has to be the result of education. It has to be the result of, talk about Russian meddling, Soviet meddling, just look at the education system.

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