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RUSH: So yesterday on this program I told you what I thought the next Adam Schiff surprise would be. Do you remember? I said they’re not gonna use the whistleblower. And who got all this started? Why are we here with the public impeachment hearings? It’s not a hearing. It’s a show. Why are we here? The whistleblower. The whistleblower, who never knew what he was talking about. The whole thing was orchestrated with Schiff. Whistleblower is an Obama holdover.

This is nothing more than an extension of Steele dossier and all of that phony baloney stuff with the Russia collusion hoax. And the whistleblower isn’t even going to testify. Adam Schiff has said that we’ve moved beyond the whistleblower now and that his testimony would be redundant and unnecessary. And the reason for that is that Trump released the transcript of the phone call, and so the whistleblower can’t lie about it. Trump releasing the transcript screwed up their plans.

They’re now on to Plan B, which will become Plan C, which will become Plan D. So yesterday I told you a name, mentioned a name to you that I think is going to be where Schiff will next go. That name has now popped up. Once again, I, your host, called it. Do you remember the name? I doubt that many of you do even though you remember me doing this, you just can’t remember the name.

The name is Lev Parnas. And he is part of the duo that supposedly were working with Rudy in Ukraine who have now turned on Rudy and Trump. They have been indicted, both of them, Parnas and his buddy by the now famous SDNY, the Southern District of New York. Since Schiff has to have backup plans because every one blows up, I predicted to you that Lev Parnas — remember I told you he fired his lawyer. His first lawyer was John Dowd.

John Dowd was Trump’s first defense lawyer in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. So he fired his lawyer, and he’s hired a new lawyer who is a criminal defense attorney specializing in the cannabis recreation industry. So Lev Parnas went out and hired a marijuana lawyer. You heard the name yesterday on this program. Last night on the Fox News Channel the Fox News White House correspondent John Roberts gave this report.

ROBERTS: One witness that Democrats may call, Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani’s who’s charged with campaign finance violations. Fox News confirms that Parnas is prepared to tell Congress that all the way back in May he told Ukrainian officials that unless the new government there opened an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden, Vice President Mike Pence would not attend President Zelensky’s swearing in, and U.S. aid would be frozen. What Parnas is apparently prepared to testify runs counter to everything the president, Rudy Giuliani and Ukrainian officials have said. Parnas has been subpoenaed by the House committees for documents and testimony. I’m told he has been producing the documents. We may soon see what he has to say.

RUSH: How many of you people have documents? If some law enforcement came to your house and said we want your documents, how many of you would have any? How come every low-rent political slob has documents? Okay. So the committee wants documents from Lev Parnas. He’s got documents. What documents?

Anyway, that’s always been a bugaboo of mine, folks. I don’t keep documents of anything. But these guys all keep minutes of every meeting for the forthcoming library. I don’t just mean presidents. I’ve never done it, I’ve never been in the practice. These guys that we’re talking about must commit everything they do to writing at some point. Never understood it, but they do. So Lev Parnas is submitting documents.

Now, note what John Roberts said. Parnas is apparently prepared to testify to things that run counter to everything the president and Rudy and Ukrainian officials have said, as though he’s the guy telling the truth, somebody we never heard of, and all these other people are lying.

Notice how this works. Trump’s lying, Pence is lying, Rudy is lying, Ukrainian president lying, Ukrainian officials are lying. Lev Parnas, the guy under indictment, is telling the truth. See how this works? I told you that this was gonna happen, and John Roberts had the news last night.

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