Correcting the Unending Lies of Adam Schiff

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 6,2019

RUSH: It’s the fastest three hours in media, Rush Limbaugh, doing play-by-play of the news, one of my primary responsibilities, correcting the unending array of lies and distortions reported as news by the Drive-By Media.

Let me give an example. To show you just how on the ridiculous this is, the transcript of the phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine has been released. What we are getting, all of these witnesses who’ve shown up before Schiff’s little Stalin show trial exercise are just telling us their opinions of it. That’s all they’re doing. And those opinions are then being reported as hard, cold fact.

The transcript itself is almost being used as irrelevant evidence whereas the opinion of people who were on the call is more important. And, in fact, people who were not on the call, like William Taylor and Yovanovitch, the first two witnesses, were not on the call, their opinions of it are being reported as fact, and the transcript itself is being ignored.

In the transcript, there is no quid pro quo, there is no threat, there’s no request to dig up information or make it up. Yet that’s what the chairman of this committee, Adam Schiff, is saying. Adam Schiff hasn’t been telling the truth about anything since Trump was elected. Adam Schiff has lied about Trump-Russia collusion. He has said that he has incontrovertible evidence of it. He has never produced it because there isn’t any.

He lied on the Kavanaugh situation. He was a full-fledged believer in every lie told about Judge Kavanaugh. And he got on that train and continued to lie, and he’s lying now about the phone call between Trump and Zelensky. He said that the president asked Zelensky eight or nine times to dig up dirt, to make it up, and not to get back to him, the president, until he had found some of that, that dirty evidence. And then he threatened to withhold aid, Schiff said.

None of that happened. The transcript exists as the fact of the phone call. The transcript is being ignored, the media doesn’t talk about it. They talk about every witness and those witnesses’ opinions. And every one of these witnesses is from the deep state foreign policy interagency group. Some are at the State Department, some are at the NSA, some are at the CIA, some are ambassadors, part of the State Department ambassadorial corps.

And that makes up the interagency group, and they’re simply upset that Trump was doing all this without their counsel and advice, that Trump was doing this by going around them, that Trump was doing this by not using them, the deep state. So they have testified that their opinion is that Trump was doing a quid pro quo, and their opinion is that this is unseemly what the president did. Except the opinion is being reported as fact because these witnesses are all told us by the media that they’re unassailable, we can’t question them. Their integrity is beyond reproach. You don’t dare doubt them.

So it’s Alice in Wonderland. Then Schiff goes out today, and in his opening statement, presumes the guilt of the president in setting up what is an inquiry. This is an inquiry. This is an investigation. And yet Schiff presumes the guilt of the president. Listen to it again. Audio sound bite number 18 in three, two, one.

SCHIFF:  We are getting an increasing appreciation for just what took place, uh, during the course of the last year. Uh, and the degree to which the president, uh, enlisted whole departments of government in the illicit aim of trying to get Ukraine to, uh, dig up dirt on a political opponent. Uh, as well as further a conspiracy theory about the 2016 election that he believed would be beneficial to his reelection campaign.  Uh, so those open hearings will be an opportunity for the American people to evaluate the witnesses for themselves, to make their own determinations about the credibility of the witnesses, but also to learn firsthand about the facts of the president’s misconduct.

RUSH: See there? Learn firsthand about the facts of the president’s misconduct, from a guy who has yet to tell the truth, folks. I don’t know if it even matters anymore, truth, lies, when it comes to protecting Democrats, leftists, Washington establishment.

Again, Adam Schiff lied about Trump-Russia collusion, claims that he’s got evidence, incontrovertible evidence. He’s never shown it, doesn’t have it, lied about it. Lied about Kavanaugh, followed all the lies about Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, Michael Avenatti, this endless parade of efforts to get rid of Donald Trump.

He’s lined up behind every one. And now the big lie that Trump asked the president of Ukraine to make up and dig up dirt, so now you can finally say, “We found it. You are gonna be able to see the evidence of the president’s misconduct starting next Wednesday.” Presumption of guilt.

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