Should You Fight Back Against a Phony Premise?
RUSH: The Democrats, my point is, are not dropping their premise even though it's been nuked. Even though it's been blown to smithereens.
RUSH: The Democrats, my point is, are not dropping their premise even though it's been nuked. Even though it's been blown to smithereens.
RUSH: They're not living and breathing and gasping and sighing over a phone call Trump made to the president of Ukraine.
RUSH: For him, he was on fire earlier today on the floor of the Senate talking about Senate Democrats' plans to filibuster a defense spending bill. Now, listen to this!
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: Patricia Murphy is a card-carrying member of the Drive By-Media. In a Roll Call opinion piece this week, she weighed in on the Democrat Party’s impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
RUSH: I have this theory that the Democrats are on defense in this whole thing, not us. Now, I know that's a countervailing opinion.
RUSH: There still isn't gonna be a vote on impeachment, folks.
RUSH: The Democrats have polling data saying that they're marching ahead because the American people want it. RNC internal polling says the exact opposite.
RUSH: It's kind of a resource manual written as a novel.
RUSH: I don't think the socialism allure is as much economic as it is social with Millennials
RUSH: It's one of those things I wish I would have written. If I were a dishonest person, I would steal it and say that it's my thought.
RUSH: The whistleblower is a liar, ladies and gentlemen. But that's not what's happening.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: The reason most voters will avoid Elizabeth Warren at all costs is because we’ve seen her and the elite in action, and we've learned they aren't smarter than we are.
RUSH: You're not supposed to go to a Democrat stronghold like Chicago and you're not supposed to call 'em out for their incompetence.
RUSH: It's their plan to keep you in the dark about things that really happen. The death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. How about this headline…
RUSH: What happened in that stadium is a microcosm, Washington, D.C., versus the rest of us.
RUSH: The announcement of withdrawing troops from Syria was part of the strategy to set 'em all up! And it worked!
RUSH: There's not a one of them in that list of 23 that excites enough people.
RUSH: I have never wanted a group of people to get theirs more than this bunch.