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RUSH: For almost two weeks, a teachers’ strike has crippled the schools in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune editorial board complains that over 300,000 children have been locked out of classrooms because the union wants to show their new progressive mayor, Lori “Lightweight,” who’s the boss.

The teachers’ union is demanding billions in spending, on top of the $8 billion-dollar education budget. Mayor Lightweight says the city just doesn’t have the money.

Meanwhile, the children are suffering. Aside from missing weeks of class and liberal indoctrination, student athletes have been hit pretty hard. Rules say that they cannot compete if school is not in session. Many of them have already missed important competitions that could have led to scholarships. Now those opportunities are not going to come back. So for a bunch of low-income Chicago students, their college dreams may be over.

Chicago Teachers Union vice president Stacy Davis-Gates admitted that “there’s nothing we’ll be able to say to any student athlete” to make it better. “It sucks,” she said.

The Chicago Tribune editorial board was really furious. They slammed the union for taking an unreasonable position in the strike, and for such a lame apology to the affected kids.

It’s really unusual for the media to attack unions, folks, but this time the teachers crossed the line. It’s so obvious they’re all about themselves, and not “for the children” – that even fellow liberals can’t defend them. Never thought I’d see this day.

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