Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 24,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Oct 24, 2019


Breitbart: Louie Gohmert: ‘Shocked’ to Discover Witnesses in Schiff’s ‘Super-Secret SCIF’ Are Told Their Testimony Is Unclassified
FOXNews: Diplomat Bill Taylor Testifies Trump Used Ukraine Aid, White House Meeting as Leverage for Probes
Mediaite: Trump Calls Republicans Who Oppose Him ‘Human Scum’: ‘More Dangerous For Our Country’ Than Democrats
Daily Caller: Republicans Call Out Schiff For Flip-Flopping On Whistleblower Testimony
National Review: Bring Impeachment into the Light
Daily Wire: Texas Governor Gives Update On ‘Transgender’ 7-Year-Old James Younger
Washington Examiner: Will the Democrats miss Middle America again? – Selena Zito
Politico: Governors Eye Regional Gas Tax to Fund Transition from Fossil Fuels
Breitbart: Gaetz: ‘We’ve Got to Stop Thinking We Can Use the Marquis of Queensberry Rules of Engagement’ Against Dems
CNet: Almost All Political Tweets Come From Just 10% of Twitter Users
Wall Street JOurnal: California’s Gasoline Panic. Hey, Governor Newsom, didn’t you want higher Fuel Prices?
New York Post: Eco Madness May Be Reason for Disastrous Boeing 737 MAX Safety Issues
Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Journal: Schiff’s Secret Bombshells
Breitbart: NY Times Shifts from the ‘Deep State Doesn’t Exist’ to the Deep State’s Awesome
Mediaite: Meghan McCain Slams Matt Gaetz’s ‘Publicity Stunt Politics’: You Wanna Be a TV Star? ‘Get Out of Congress’
CNN: Republican Lawmaker Says it’s ‘Beneath the Office of the Presidency’ for Trump to Call Critics ‘Human Scum’
Federalist: No, The Deep State Isn’t A Bunch Of Unbiased Patriots Who Deserve Our Gratitude
Daily Wire: Ocasio-Cortez, Democrats Skewered After Embarrassing Attacks On Zuckerberg
Washington Examiner: Why Do You ‘Think the Rules Do Not Apply to You?’: Gaetz Clashes with MSNBC Host Over Impeachment
ABC: Trump Campaign Scoops Up Biden’s Latino Voter Web Address, Trolls His Voter Outreach
PJ Media: Biden Surges to Largest Lead in Polls Since April in CNN National Survey
The Hill: Democratic Handwringing Hits New Highs Over 2020
Bloomberg: Democrats Face Their Fears in Wisconsin
Breitbart: DNC Announces All-Female Moderator Panel for Next Debate amid Neutrality Concerns and Sinking Viewership Ocasio-Cortez to Zuckerberg: Why Are You Partnering with ‘The Daily Caller Who Has Ties to White Supremacists’
Daily Caller: Here’s Why Californians Pay Way More For Gasoline Than Everyone Else
AP: Warren Campaign Office in New Hampshire Broken Into
New York Times: Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, ‘Is There Anybody Else?’
American Greatness: The Derangement Syndromes of Our Time – Edward Ring
Mediaite: Napolitano Fact-Checks GOP Complaints About ‘Secret’ Impeachment Process: Schiff is ‘Following the Rules’


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:

