Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 30,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Sep 30, 2019


Federalist: Sean Davis: Intel Community IG ‘Straight Up Refused’ To Answer Why They Changed The Rules
Daily Caller: Rep. Adam Schiff: Whistleblower Has Agreed To Testify
New York Post: Trump Calls on Adam Schiff to Resign for Allegedly Lying to Congress
Daily Wire: Republican Wants Adam Schiff Censured For Making Up Trump Quotes
CBS: The Impeachment Inquiry: “We Could Not Ignore What the President Did.”
Washington Examiner: Lawyer Claims Whistleblower Is ‘In Harm’s Way’ From Trump
Politico: Republican senators press DOJ to probe Clinton and Ukraine
The Federalist: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Blasts Impeachment Push, Blames Leftists
Washington Free Beacon: Kamala Harris: Impeachment Hearings Won’t Take Long Since Trump Has ‘Confessed’
Daily Wire: Pelosi On Losing The House In 2020 Over Impeachment: ‘Doesn’t Matter’
Townhall: If The Case For Trump’s Impeachment Is So Strong, Why Are Liberals Lying About It? – Derek Hunter
FOXNews: Whistleblower Attorney Says ’60 Minutes’ ‘Misinterpreted’ Key Letter
Townhall: Biden Campaign Demands TV Executives Stop Booking Rudy Giuliani On Shows…Or Else
FOXNews: Stephen Miller Says Trump is ‘Real Whistleblower’ and Calls Complaint ‘Partisan Hit Job’ in Contentious Interview
RT: ​CIA Director Admits He Visited Kiev, Refuses to Call Russia Enemy
Breitbart: Joe Biden Campaign Demands Media Censor Rudy Giuliani
FiveThirtyEight: How Unpopular is Donald Trump?
NewsBusters: John Kasich Surprises CNN’s Alisyn Camerota by Pouring Cold Water on Impeachment
CNN: Phil Mudd: I Am About Ready to Blow a Gasket
RealClearPolitics: Robert Jeffress: Removing Trump From Office Will Cause “A Civil War-Like Fracture”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:


