
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: So, in the latest Democrat Party coup attempt against President Trump, the Democrats are saying bizarre things. Some of the weirdest comments came over the weekend from Beto O’Rourke, whose campaign is now circling the drain.

Now, Beto claims that impeaching Trump would unify the country. In other words, he thinks Trump supporters would support Democrats tossing him out of office, even though Republicans give Trump a 91% approval rating.

So Beto offers Trump his advice. The best thing for the president to do, says Beto, is quit. Right now. Just walk away from his agenda, walk away from the White House, and turn his back on the millions of people who elected him.

Beto O’Rourke is like a lot of other Democrats. One hundred percent delusional. Beto O’Rourke is a man-child. He is totally out of touch with the country he thinks that he should lead.

This impeachment/coup attempt by the Democrats is going to unify Trump voters like nothing before. And in 2020, Trump supporters will turn out at the polls in numbers you won’t believe. It will demonstrate just how unified they are, against Democrats.

Beto, maybe the best thing for you do to, is stop making pronouncements on Trump’s future and maybe worry about your own. Your failed campaign is exposing you for what you are. You are a genuine lightweight and your shelf-life has expired. Go away.

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