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RUSH: So, Pelosi has a meeting at 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock this afternoon. She’s speaking ahead of some impeachment announcement. The Democrats are deciding whether or not they’re going to vote on impeachment. Look, I want to repeat something here, folks. Nobody has heard yet the transcript or read or heard the conversation Trump had with the Ukrainian leader. Nobody has seen the whistleblower report. There isn’t anybody who has any knowledge of anything that happened here.

There’s not a single fact that has been produced outside of Trump calling and talking to the Ukrainian president. What we have is an intelligence community person, supposedly, who leaked to the media that he has filed a whistleblower report with the inspector general claiming to have overheard Trump make outrageous claims in a conversation with the president of Ukraine. That’s it.

We don’t know who the whistleblower is. We don’t know what the whistleblower’s complaint says or alleges. We have not seen the phone call between the president and the Ukrainian president. There’s not a single fact. All there is is one allegation that the media and the Democrats have run with like they ran with Trump-Russia collusion following the Steele dossier. This is almost a repeat process.

We had the Steele dossier, and it was circulating for months. The Drive-Bys were desperate to get it into the public domain because of the golden showers story. It was never corroborated. It was never verified. It was never confirmed, but the media and the FBI used it to get FISA spying warrants. There was never a shred of evidence, and the same thing here.

And yet what’s happening today at 4 o’clock? The Democrats are having a meeting on whether or not they should proceed with impeachment. Nobody knows anything. There’s not a single fact other than Trump talked to the Ukrainian president that’s driving this.

These people are insane. They are entirely out of control. They know they can’t beat Trump in 2020. The only hope they’ve got is to get him out of office with impeachment or some other trick. It’s stunning. They’ve got nothing, just exactly like they never had anything in the Russia collusion story. There’s not a thing known yet, folks. Nothing yet is known.


RUSH: Hey, hey, hey, folks, this is interesting now. Trump is gonna release the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian head honcho tomorrow. Why is Trump releasing the transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian head honcho tomorrow important? Because the Democrats are gonna have their impeachment meeting today.

Yes, my friends the Democrats are gonna have their impeachment meeting at 4. Pelosi’s gonna say something at 5. Plugs is going to speak out on the impeachment inquiry sometime soon. I’m hoping it will be before this program ends, but I’m not holding out hope.

So Trump has announced, and he’s characterized that conversation as a perfect conversation, and he has said that even the Ukrainian prime minister said it’s a perfect conversation. It’s maybe the best conversation two leaders have ever had in history, Trump said. It may be the best conversation ever. And the Ukrainian guy called Trump, said he agrees, it may be the best conversation, perfect, ever.

They’re gonna release the transcript tomorrow. You know what else will be great? All those FBI 302s and all that garbage about when that investigation actually been. I’d unload everything on ’em tomorrow. But, anyway, so now the Democrats have gotta be wondering, “Trump’s gonna release, oh, my God, Trump? Why isn’t the whistleblower gonna release it? Trump’s gonna release it?” So now they’re gonna have their big impeachment meeting here in just a few hours. They’re gonna go into that meeting knowing that Trump’s gonna release the transcripts.

Remember, folks, I’m not exaggerating an iota. Nobody knows anything! They’re doing all of this on the proverbial come! Like the Trump-Russia collusion, there was never anything there. There isn’t anything here yet! Nothing! They’re following the same script.

You want to hear how off the rails these people are? Audio sound bite number 30. Here is Gregory Meeks, Democrat, New York, on CNN just moments ago. He got a question from the infobabe: “Speaker Pelosi says she thinks that this issue, not turning over the whistleblower complaint to Congress, it’s now understandable for the American public and since it’s understandable, it might be impeachable. What do you say to that?”

MEEKS: I believe that — I say I always bet on American and the American people, the overwhelming number of American people will not go along with that and say that he has now absolutely crossed the line and absolutely acting almost as if he is an agent of Russia. Because if you look at the relationship between Russia and Ukraine and what’s taking place and holding up money in that regards seems to be on the best interest of himself and his own political ambitions, as well as working with, you know — ’cause we’ve seen him give classified information to Russia previously. So I think that the American people can see the dam is now, you know broken. He’s crossed the line.

I believe that I always bet on America and the American people, that the overwhelming number of American people will not go along with that and say that he has no absolutely crossed the line and absolutely acting almost as if he is an agent of Russia. Because if you look at the relationship between Russia and Ukraine and what’s taking place and holding up money in that regard, seems to be in the best interests of himself and his own political ambition as well as working with — you know, ’cause we’ve seen him give classified information on Russia previously. So I think that the American people can see the dam is now, you know, broken, he’s crossed the line.

RUSH: Really, we could have cut that about 20 seconds. The line is, “I say I always bet on America, the American people. American people will not go along with that. He’s acting, he’s crossed the line, absolutely acting almost as if he’s an agent of Russia.” Trump is acting like he’s an agent of Russia! They can’t get rid of it.

Just like they can’t get that little girl to ever change her mind on climate change, they are fixating on the fact Trump colluded and stole that election. And no matter what the facts say, they’re never gonna believe that he didn’t. And so now they’re going loonier and even more insane. Now Trump is a Russian agent.


RUSH: So Trump is going to release the transcript of the phone call tomorrow. Now, in my audio sound bite roster I have a very fascinating audio sound bite from none other than James Crapper — Clapper — sorry — the former Director of National Intelligence for Obama. He was on CNN last night talking about this whistleblower case.

CLAPPER: What would really be edifying here is, is actually to know the facts. This was done, submitted by a mature, seasoned employee, not some junior person. Moreover, the Inspector General of the intelligence community found it credible and urgent. You know, and I hate to suggest this, but it’s crossed my mind that even if we got a transcript, well, can we be sure that’s actually what was said? So getting a transcript may not be such a great thing either.

RUSH: Now, he said this before Trump announced they’re gonna release it tomorrow, but what does this mean? Let’s parse this. “What would really be edifying here is, is actually to know the facts.” Folks, what have I — he’s admitting they don’t know anything! And they’re already proceeding down the impeachment road. They don’t know anything!

They’ve lost their minds. They literally have lost all touch with reality. They’re not grounded. Do not doubt me here. They are so poisoned with this Trump hatred and their failure to get rid of him or even dent him, they can’t see straight. They are out of touch. And now they’re going down the same road as the Trump-Russia collusion thing and there was never any evidence.

Here is Clapper admitting, you know, it’d be really helpful to know the facts. Okay. Then he said this was done, this was submitted by a mature, seasoned employee, not some junior person. He’s talking about the whistleblower! He’s talking about the person in the intelligence community who has been spying on Trump! How does he know this? Nobody has seen the whistleblower complaint. Nobody’s read it yet, folks. It’s not been made public.

Then Clapper says, “Moreover, the Inspector General of the intelligence community found it credible and urgent. You know, and I hate to suggest this, but it’s crossed my mind that even if we got a transcript, well, can we be sure that’s actually what was said?” He’s thinking they’re being set up, isn’t he? He’s thinking that they’re being set up by this.

Here’s the former Director of National Intelligence thinking Trump is running a scam on ’em, setting them up, whistleblower report, it’s credible as far as we know, Inspector General is a very credible guy. But, you know, I hate to suggest this, but it’s crossed my mind, even if we got a transcript, how do we know it’s true? He’s thinking Trump’s running a scam!

These guys who orchestrated this gigantic hoax of a coup on Trump are now thinking that they’re being set up! Or am I misinterpreting this? What can he possibly be worried about? It’s crossed his mind that even if we get a transcript, it may not be such a great thing?

He knows everything they’ve tried has blown up on their face just like it blows up on the coyote. They are Wile E. Coyote. Things have blown up in Clapper’s face and he’s thinking the same thing is gonna happen here. It really blew up in Mueller’s face. Clapper says this last night, it’s before Trump has said he’s gonna release the transcript tomorrow. Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.

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