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RUSH: I’ve also got a sound bite here, children at climate rally in Washington on Friday spouting all this alarmism and hatred for their kids. You know, folks, I’m dead serious about this. I no longer really look at this exclusively as a political issue to be debated. Just stop and think for a moment on something that is really a hoax.

There is no man-made and we have no control over the climate, all we can do is adapt and we’ve done a bang-up job as human beings of adapting to the weather for our entire existence on earth, and yet look at what they’ve done. They have literally destroyed the innocence and the hopes, the dreams of children in this country, scaring them literally to death over a fake story about the weather as a killer.

You can call it climate change, you can call it global warming, but it’s always talked about as weather. It’s getting hotter, and the icebergs are melting, and the sea levels are rising. It’s not climate science. They’ve simply weaponized the weather. They’ve taken something that we can’t control, therefore we can’t fix, and they positioned it as a weapon used by Republicans! Republicans are using the weather to get rich, to destroy people, to wipe out the climate. I mean, it’s absurd.

And yet these young kids are literally scared to death. What these people have done to children in this country with this issue is abominable! It’s outrageous the degree to which we have literally frightened the life out of some of these kids.


RUSH: Manhattan. This is Wayne. Great to have you, sir. I’m glad you called.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Dittos from the de Blasio grand experiment on homelessness.

RUSH: Thank you very much for the call, sir.

CALLER: You know, Friday with you being off, I had this opening between 12 and three in my schedule and I didn’t know what to do to fill the time. So I went down to do a little work at the courthouse. And when I came out of the subway there were thousands of kids everywhere and I completely forgot that the climate strike thing was going on. And I was immediately struck by how right you were last week when you talked about the fact that the student climate strike was really nothing more than indoctrination.

And what I saw was, there were thousands of kids, but it was like a giant field trip, and there were teachers and adults, there was as many adults as kids. And they all had these big signs telling the kids where to go, here’s PS-47 over here, PS-62 over here. They were organizing who was passing out the fliers, and they’re all on their cellphones, their iPhones, they all had their Starbucks. And it just struck me how right you were when you said it’s not an organic thing, it’s not an outgrowth of some —

RUSH: Absolutely.

CALLER: — actual concern.

RUSH: You know what? It’s kind of the same way it was back in 1995 in the budget battle between Clinton and Mr. Newt. Republicans ran the House for the first time in 40 years, and that’s when the school lunch cuts magically appeared. Yeah, that’s right. The Republicans were gonna starve kids. That became a Democrat slogan that the media repeated. Republicans are starving our kids. How? Why, they were gonna cut the school lunch program.

There weren’t any cuts. The school lunch program was gonna get more money, just not as much as the budget had projected. But when you get more money but not as much, it’s called a cut. That’s how Washington terminology works. So magically thousands of kids started writing letters to the media saying they were scared to go to school because they would starve. They couldn’t learn if they were hungry. How can this happen in America? Why do Republicans want me not to eat?

Folks, I’m not making up a word of this. And it was all mass produced. It was all a massive political play. And nobody asked one question: “Well, why would the parents of these kids let their kids be starved? Okay, no school lunch. If it’s true, no school lunch, why won’t the parents feed them?” Of course, nobody ever asked that question because the whole thing was a lie in the first place. Such as is this climate crap.


RUSH: Sound bite 31. This is actual audio Friday of the children’s climate rally spouting alarmism and hatred for their own parents outside the U.S. Capitol building.

BOY #1: We hear that politicians, that baby boomers call us Generation Z, the last letter of the alphabet because we are going to be the last generation to survive.

GIRL #1: All of our futures are in jeopardy. We have only 11 years to rectify decades of damage that we have inflicted on our planet.

GIRL #2: Black Americans are three times more likely to die from air pollution than their white counterparts. This is environmental racism.

GIRL #3: (cheers) I am here to speak for the trees. We are killing our planet.

BOY #2: When I first learned about climate change, I felt a wave of emotions. Fear, I was scared for my future that was being taken right in front of my face.

GIRL #4: Business as usual, we know that is a death sentence.

GIRL #5: Tell me why there are children who have to stand up for themselves? Where are our parents? Where are our grandparents?

GIRL #6: Are you going to sit here and watch our planet die?

GIRL #7: We are here because our parents trashed the planet and it’s up to our generation to save it.

GIRL #8: Rebel! Or die! (cheers).

RUSH: I don’t care what you think of the issue, that is obscene. That’s real, that’s not made up, somebody wrote this for these kids, they’re out there spouting it as though they’ve come to believe it themselves. I’m sure they have! They’ve been totally brainwashed. They’ve been totally indoctrinated. Look at what whoever the adults in these kids’ lives have done to them, destroyed them! They’ve got them running around scared to death every day.

Generation Z was named Generation Z ’cause it’s the last generation to ever survive on earth? Black Americans are three times more likely to die from air pollution than their white counterparts, this is environmental racism? Now the environment is racist! The environment knows who’s black and who’s white and who to pollute more than others. They believe this.

This is what all of public education’s doing to your kids on every subject. You want to talk exploitation? This is it, folks, to the max. And I have a dream, I do, I have a dream. I have a dream that all of this exploitation of hysterical children pretending to be climate experts begins to backfire. I ask myself longingly, hopefully very often, what if exploiting hysterical kids backfires? What if most adults began to see this for what it is — child abuse?

“Where are our parents, where are our grandparents, destroying the planet. You’re gonna sit here and watch our planet –” this is child abuse, what they’re doing. Kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college. Having this stuff backfire would be delicious. It would be progress. What if adults — if there are any remaining — what if adults began to realize that these propagandized kids were helpless and couldn’t survive without fossil fuels?

This silly idea of getting rid of the fossil fuels is the most lamebrain, utterly defiant of logic, not to mention science. What if wild-eyed emotional outbursts like this are seen for what they are? I don’t know, folks. I stole a look at some of the people on the other side of the glass listening to this and they were laughing. They are smiling. Oh, those kids, they’re so cute, listen to them.”

Those kids are turning into a bunch of hate-filled future climate terrorists who now have been told that their parents and grandparents are effectively killing them! And all because they don’t care.

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