Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 19,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Sep 19, 2019


HotAir: Intel Whistleblower Filed Complaint Over Trump “Promise” To Unknown Foreign Leader; Trump: “Another Fake News Story”
MSN: Trump’s Communications with Foreign Leader are Part of Whistleblower Complaint that Spurred Standoff Between Spy Chief and Congress, Former Officials Say
National Review: Trump’s Total Culture War – Victor Davis Hanson
Daily Caller: ‘Snitch!’: CNN’s Phil Mudd Loses It Over Whistleblower Who Filed Complaint Over Trump Phone Call
The Federalist: Witnesses Defended Kavanaugh. NYT Authors Falsely Claimed They Were Silent – Mollie Hemingway
FOXNews: NYT Reporters Claim Kavanaugh Agreed to be Interviewed ‘If They Wrote They Didn’t Talk with Him’
Gallup: Trump Job Approval 43%; Ties Party Polarization Record
Newsweek: Trump’s Approval Rating Surpasses Obama’s, Not Just on Rasmussen Reports
Miami Herald: American Airlines Mechanic Accused of Sabotaging Jet May Have Terrorist Ties, Feds Say
Washington Post: ‘They Have to Clean it Up’: Trump Says EPA Will Hit San Francisco with Environmental Violations Over Homelessness
Washington Examiner: ‘Absolute Theological Bankruptcy’: Union Theological Seminary Students Confess Climate Sins to Plants
UKDM: Two More Pictures Emerge of Justin Trudeau – this Time in Blackface – Hours After He Apologized for Wearing Brownface to Attend an Arabian Nights Party When He Was a Teacher
Global News: Video Shows Trudeau in Blackface in 3rd Instance of Racist Makeup
The Hill: Trump Spokeswoman: Health Care Will be ‘Big’ Selling Point for Union Workers
Washington Post: Trump’s Communications with Foreign Leader are Part of Whistleblower Complaint that Spurred Standoff Between Spy Chief and Congress, Former Officials Say
Daily Caller: Teen Climate Activist Speaks To Congress
Competitive Enterprise Institute: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:


