Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Degrowth
RUSH: Leftist intellectuals have a new economic model they're promoting. It’s called the “Degrowth Movement.” “Degrowth” is just another name for socialism.
RUSH: Leftist intellectuals have a new economic model they're promoting. It’s called the “Degrowth Movement.” “Degrowth” is just another name for socialism.
RUSH: Just go to the App Store and upgrade to the latest Rush Limbaugh app, and you're gold.
RUSH: Who would ever believe that? Unless you tell them that, nobody would ever think (based on the way news coverage is) that Obama had a lower approval rating.
RUSH: Folks, appreciate it while you can. This kind of Republican politician is sadly one-of-a-kind.
RUSH: They don't have anything, in terms of policy, that they can even enter the arena and compete with Trump on.
RUSH: Got a note, an email. "Rush, I don't believe you, people are praying to plants. I just don't believe you." I can't tell you how that offends me. After 30 years, I don't make stuff like that up.
RUSH: If you should never talk to the New York Times 'cause they're gonna make it up about you, because they're gonna misquote you, why should we even bother to read it?
RUSH: “But, Rush, it's profiling, we can't profile.” We better start. I mean, there are some things that are just common sense here.
CALLER: I'm a licensed veterinary technician, and I have to laugh because the veterinary profession has now gone to political correctness.
RUSH: The whistleblower business. It's one of the biggest nothings that you can possibly imagine that they are trying to make into a gigantic controversy.
CALLER: My grandchildren are no longer playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians like we did when we were kids. Now they're playing homeless.
RUSH: Trudeau, he's a good liberal. They're gonna save him.
RUSH: I think Trump is letting the Democrats fight this out, make fools of themselves presenting all of their variations of their plans.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.