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RUSH: A little housekeeping here before we get going. On Thursday, Apple is releasing the brand-new operating system for your iPhone and your iPad. It’s called iOS 13. Now, normally I would not make a big deal out of this because it happens every year. But it matters if you have the RushLimbaugh.com app on your phone. If you have an iPhone, if you have an iPad and you have the RushLimbaugh.com app, do not doubt me, you need to go to the App Store sometime between now and Wednesday night — well, they’ll release iOS 13 probably at 1 o’clock Eastern on Thursday.

And it’s pretty cool. I’ve been playing around with it. It has dark mode in it. It’s got some brand-new camera — well, actually photograph editing options that give you even much more control. And with the new phones coming it’s gonna be lights out. It’s gonna be cutting edge what you’ll be able to do with your cameras and shooting stills and videos. But that’s all for later. The iOS 13 is going to have a dramatic change in stuff you don’t see. It’s how things work. And one of the things that’s gonna be affected is media players.

So, we updated the app in the App Store yesterday. You can go to the iOS, the Apple App Store right now and if you already have the app, just go to the Apple update section and you’ll see it’s there available to be updated. What happens is our update optimizes the media player for iOS 13, which is gonna be releasing about 1 p.m. Eastern on Thursday.

We’ve been testing this because this is what we do, and testing showed last week that there were gonna be big problems with audio playback on Thursday if you don’t update your app. If you update to iOS 13 and do not update your RushLimbaugh.com app, you’re gonna have some compatibility problems. The audio player may not work at all, it may work in a spotty way. It will not be anything that you are used to.

So, as long as you update to the new version of the Rush app before iOS 13’s released, then you will not notice a change, everything will be fine. You might even see improved performance once iOS 13 comes. The update that we released yesterday also fixes a couple other minor bugs that users have been reporting, and we optimized the usual refinements to further enhance the user enjoyment experience of our app.

We’re also gonna plaster this reminder all over RushLimbaugh.com. By the way, if you don’t have the Rush app, you know, you should think about getting it on your phone or your iPad. We have a free tier at RushLimbaugh.com where you can enjoy much of the content of the website without joining.

You will not get Dittocam video and you won’t get streaming audio, but you will get all of the transcripts of everything said on the program. And you can share those transcripts. You can copy them, you can print them, what have you. How many times are you running around, “Boy, Rush is really on a roll. I wish I could remember this.” You don’t have to remember it if you have the RushLimbaugh.com app because it’s all there.

And there’s a lot of content. All of the parody audio and some historical videos from Rush the TV Show, they’re all on the free side. There is plenty of material there. And, if you’ve become a member at RushLimbaugh.com, the app is the absolutely best way to stream the program, the Dittocam, and access to the full library, an encyclopedic knowledge content of all of the years of output on this program if you become a member. But if you don’t, even if you go the free side, there’s all kinds of content to make it well worth your while.

So, the bottom line, if you have the Rush app on your phone or the iPad — we’re not talking about Google or Android here, this is just the iPhone — go to the App Store today and upgrade the app. Do it before Thursday because, if you upgrade to iOS 13 without upgrading the Rush app, you’re gonna have some playback problems on the audio side.


RUSH: Okay. A reminder, my friends. If you run, on your iPhone or iPad, the RushLimbaugh.com app to access this program — streaming audio, the Dittocam video. If you use the app to go visit the website, update the app. We got the app update loaded at the App Store late yesterday afternoon into last night. So, it’s there for you to update. The reason for this is Apple is releasing iOS 13 on Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern, and if you update to iOS 13 and have not updated the Rush Limbaugh app, then the audio player is gonna be all out of whack.

There are code changes, upgrades, refinements, this kind of thing in iOS 13, and every app maker has to revise apps to be compatible with iOS 13 (which is what we have done), and we had our app approved for use, and it was up on the App Store yesterday. So I don’t want to get into all the technical reasons why. But what we’ve done optimizes the media player on the RushLimbaugh.com app to be compatible with the changes in iOS 13.

Now, if you’re not gonna update to iOS 13 — and some people don’t — they wait for 13.1, 13.2 because the first release, some people might think, is gonna be a little too buggy, maybe will not be too smooth. So they wait. Then you’re okay. I’d still upgrade the app anyway. Any time we release an upgrade or an update to our app, go ahead and run it — and especially if you’re going to install iOS 13. iOS 13’s got some cool stuff in it. But the big, big really completion of the job is gonna be iOS 13.1, which will release on September 30th.

There are some things that Apple had intended to be in the original release of iOS 13 that didn’t make it, and they are gonna be in 13.1, which will be released on September 30th. Automation for shortcuts. There’s a really cool new feature. If you use Apple Maps to navigate, there’s a new feature called Share ETA, and if you’re — I don’t know — out of town, you’re on your way home, you can navigate home and share your ETA with anybody you want at home.

Spouse, kids, girlfriend, mistress, whatever, they will receive an actual graphic of your route and be able to follow your progress home — if you’re also running iOS 13.1. That will happen on September 30th. There’s iOS 13 dark mode. Some other cool things happen on Thursday. Just make sure you’re updated with the latest RushLimbaugh.com app at the App Store. This is only for iPhone and iOS. This is not applicable if you’re running Android.


RUSH: Now, I got an email during the break. It’s always good to remember some basics. I got an email. “Rush, you’re talking about the app and this new iOS 13. Where do I find that?” This is very important. If you have an iPhone, on Thursday Apple is releasing a new operating system called iOS 13. Unless you’re running betas of it, you’re not running it yet. If you’re up to speed, you’re running 12.1.4 or something less. Now, the way to upgrade the operating system is very simple.

You go to your phone to the Settings and General, and then Software Update. It’s that simple. Settings. General. Software Update will be at the top, right under the word “About,” and if there is new system software, it will display. iOS 13 is coming on Thursday. Usually at 1 o’clock Eastern time is when these things drop. Now, the only reason I’m mentioning this is because the Rush Limbaugh Show app has had to be upgraded for iOS 13, and, if you don’t upgrade the app before you start iOS 13, the audio player is not gonna work.

iOS 13 has got some different coding in it — different things, upgrades, refinements — and all of us developers have to upgrade our apps to be able to be comparable with iOS 13. Like, one of the best weather apps on iOS is CARROT. The guy that does this app is a genius. Do you know how many weather apps there are? You know how the weather data is the weather data? It doesn’t change. The temperature is the temperature.

The forecast is the forecast. The percentage of rain is what it is. How you present it is the challenge for an app developer on an iPad or an iPhone, and CARROT Weather, you can choose your weather sources like Dark Sky or Weather Underground or whatever the options are, and you can choose the level of snark that the CARROT Weather assistant uses to speak to you. It can be insulting, can treat you like an idiot, or can leave you alone and not say anything to you at all.

Anyway, this guy’s been working on upgrading his app, as most developers have, to get it ready. So that is why, by the way, every September when you upgrade to the new software, you also get a deluge of app updates because they all have to be updated to run with the new system, as did ourselves. But ours is crucial. If you don’t upgrade our app before you put in iOS 13, our audio player is not gonna work.

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