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RUSH: I want to go back to the New York Times story, the Kavanaugh story and my entire take on this. And just to review — don’t worry, I’m not gonna spend another half hour detailing this. It started yesterday when I was — and I’m not making this up, folks, I’m not exaggerating. I’m not doing anything for effect here. I had so many people, “Can you believe what the New York Times did? They ran that story and it turns out that the woman doesn’t even remember.”

Of course I believe what the New York Times did! The New York Times isn’t journalism. That was the theme yesterday. They have become the leading political action committee of the Democrat Party. They’re nothing but a bunch of political activists. They are Democrats in the media as opposed to the Democrats in the House and the Democrats in the Senate and the Democrats in think tanks. They are Democrats in the media.

And as far as I’m concerned, this is what really irritated me yesterday, if I could be blunt. It’s fine and dandy to get upset over what they’re doing to Kavanaugh, but what about what they did to Trump for two and a half the years? How can they have any credibility at all after that?

After two and a half years of running and being responsible for a series of lies that were nothing other than an actual attempted coup to overthrow the presidential results in 2016, it went on every day, multiple stories per day counting the printed newspaper and the website, two and a half years. There was never any evidence, there was never anything to it. It was totally made up.

It was a combination of Obama DOJ officials, Obama FBI people, MI5 and MI6 in the U.K., Australia’s ambassador, and a bunch of other attempts to plant spies in the Trump campaign and it was a full-fledged effort to get Trump. First phase was to make sure Trump lost the election. Then after that it was to try to ensure that Trump’s transition period would be so rocky that people would believe he stole the election, he was a traitor, cheated, and that Hillary should be installed.

Then Trump gets inaugurated and the effort then becomes to get him impeached. There was no journalism in any of that. That was full-fledged, 1,000 percent political activism. They haven’t yet paid a price for it. They haven’t apologized for it. They led every other news organization in the country down that same path. CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, take your pick.

There hasn’t been a single acknowledgment that they made a mistake. There hasn’t been a single acknowledgment they got anything wrong. They invested everything in the Mueller report. The Mueller report, a gigantic dud. Okay. We move on from that to impeachment. We move on from that to destroy Trump’s business. There isn’t any journalism.

So the Times comes along and runs a smear job on Kavanaugh which is a continuation of the first smear job. “Can you believe what the Times did?” Yes! I totally believe what the Times did! I’m frustrated. I wish more people saw the New York Times for what it is. It isn’t journalism anymore.

Okay, so that’s how the show was set up yesterday. That sets up the audio sound bites, which again, I cannot hear but I have the transcripts. So you just need to point at me in there when they’re over. Up first, this happened on Fox News Channel this morning, America’s Newsroom. We’ve got Bill Hemmer talking to syndicated radio host Leslie Marshall, and this is how that conversation went.

MARSHALL: The problem for Democrats here is the victim says, “Look, I don’t remember it happened.” This is not the victim saying it happened, and, to me, having gone for my master’s in broadcast journalism, it absolutely makes my skin crawl that the New York Times or any other outlet that call themselves journalists would not have all the facts, that it would go by the editor before they put that out.

HEMMER: To your point, Leslie, you’re in agreement with Rush Limbaugh when it comes to (laughter starts) the New York Times.

MARSHALL: Don’t say that on air.

RUSH: So he says, “To your point, Leslie, you’re in agreement with Rush Limbaugh when it comes to the New York Times. And she says, “Don’t say that.” She said, “The problem for Democrats is the victim says, ‘Look, I don’t remember it happened.’ It is not the victim saying it happened, and, to me, having gone for my master’s in broadcast journalism, it actually makes my skin crawl that the New York Times or any other outlet that call themselves journalists would not have all the facts.”

Why does it make your skin crawl? How can it be — I’m serious about the question, folks. How can it be that so many people still — these are intelligent people. These are engaged, involved people. How can it be that so many of them think that all this was was a mistake, a journalistic mistake? Somewhere along the line an editor dropped the ball. This is so obviously not that.

How come these people cannot see that the objective here is the destruction of Brett Kavanaugh, his life, his career, his reputation and, by extension, Trump? Of course, Trump was first. It makes my skin crawl that this could happen? So they played the clip from me on yesterday’s program that she agrees with.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Now they’re trying to say, “Oops. We screwed up. We’re sorry.” They didn’t screw up anything! They’re trying to destroy the man like they’re trying to destroy Donald Trump. … Have any of the presidential candidates who glommed onto this story, have they pulled back on it? … No. They’re still running with it. They’re demanding that Kavanaugh be impeached. Because this is mission accomplished.

RUSH: Slowly but surely, ladies and gentlemen, the impression is being made. See, it’s important for this stuff to get out there. You’ll notice that for my point of view to be on Fox they have to get me saying it, which I don’t mind, don’t misunderstand. But there’s a lot of people that work at Fox. Why can’t one of them conclude this? It’s a rhetorical question. I mean, they’re a news organization. They’re not into opinion — ahem. But, anyway, this is how it happens.

So up next David Asman, you talk about journalism, Asman is a great, straight down the middle, what everybody thinks a journalist is, he is one. He was talking with Brian Kilmeade. And these guys get it. They were talking about my take on the New York Times. It was on Varney & Co. on the Fox Business Network. Here it is.

ASMAN: Rush Limbaugh says that you got to be careful, because they’re still getting what they want. The mainstream media will always use this story as an asterisk against anything that Justice Kavanaugh decides on. They may even say that he’s unqualified to decide on cases that somehow involve women.

KILMEADE: That’s a true. Here’s my analogy. It might fall short. But, let’s say someone comes into your living room, and turns the table upside down, and throws the chairs all around. Well, we’re gonna arrest the assailant. And they arrest the person. But your house is still a mess. They hurt his reputation by the accusation. And they keep moving. They took their shot, and the guy paid a price.

RUSH: So that’s Kilmeade. Says that’s true, his analogy might fall short. Let’s say somebody turns into your living room, turns the table upside down, throws the chairs all around. Well, we’re gonna arrest the assailant. They arrest the person, but your house is still a mess. They hurt his reputation by the accusation. They keep moving, they took their shot. Hey! Drive-By Media! That’s another little close definition of Drive-By Media.

People still ask, “Rush, what’s Drive-By Media?” It’s very simple. What happens in a Drive-By? You’re at a stoplight or something, a bunch of hoodlums drive up and start shooting you, shooting you, shooting the people in the car, what they do? Create the mess and drive on down the road, waiting to do it again. That’s the media! Arriving at any story. They show up at any story, make a total mess of it, maybe even get some people killed or get some people wounded and then head on down the road, drive right on by and do it all over again.

And that was Kilmeade’s attempt to analogize what’s happening here. The only intent here was to enable this, that in the future any reference to Brett Kavanaugh can now contain “accused serial abuser, Brett Kavanaugh well known for being thought of as a rapist, Brett Kavanaugh with a seething reputation from his party days at Yale, where seemingly women were of no concern,” whatever they want to say now simply because somebody has made an allegation, doesn’t matter whether it’s true.

So this is how they taint Kavanaugh and taint any decision that he is a part of. And it’s not limited to Kavanaugh, but this is part of the technique.

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