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RUSH: Let me grab John here, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. This is a beautiful place, by the way. I’ve been there, I’ve played golf there. Welcome to the program, sir. Great to have you.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, just got my blue Stand Up for Betsy Ross shirts. I opened the package and as soon as I handled them, I said to myself, these aren’t T-shirts. This is better than most of my golf shirts. I don’t play the Ted Baxter courses, but a lot of the muni courses, a lot of the places I play, require a collar. Any chance you can turn this into a golf shirt?

RUSH: I’ll tell you something. I’m glad you called. We are getting so many requests from people to convert the Stand Up for Betsy Ross — I mean, women have been asking for a V-neck version from the get-go. We’re coming up on fall now where theoretically temperatures get cooler, and then we get close to winter, people are asking for the design on long-sleeve sweatshirts now.

And we are constantly making our own internal suggestions and playing with our own internal designs and then checking — we gotta be able to scale up. If we decide to go with a certain kind of shirt, for example, like say it was a golf polo, we gotta make sure there are enough to get out there that would meet the demand that would happen. ‘Cause this is still sizzling. The Stand Up for Betsy Ross T-shirts are still sizzling at the Rush Limbaugh Store, EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com. So we’ll throw that in the hopper, John. I appreciate it.

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