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RUSH: So, get this headline: “Same-Sex Penguin Couple to Raise First Gender-Neutral Chick at London Aquarium.” Okay.

According to The Hill, a couple of female penguins named “Rocky” and “Marama,” are being treated as a “couple” at the Sea Life Foundation in London. Aquarium manager Graham McGrath says the two female penguins have “shown their commitment to each other” in previous breeding seasons.

How? I don’t know. The article doesn’t say. They’re probably just guessing or hoping.

But it does say that in addition to ”showing their commitment to each other,” these two women penguins showed they can build a nest.

So these two women penguins were given a baby penguin. They did not give birth to it. The baby was taken from its real mother penguin, which had another chick to raise.

Baby chick penguins at this aquarium are given tags that identify their gender. But this chick has a “purple” tag. The aquarium has decided to define this baby penguin as “gender neutral.” They didn’t ask the penguin about it, they just did it. Manager McGrath says this may ruffle a few feathers, but he’s okay with that.

I’m going to make a prediction. If this chick grows to maturity, it will prove that it isn’t “gender neutral.” And it will eventually mate with a penguin of the opposite sex. Another guess. There won’t be any “March of the Purple Penguin” documentaries in theaters anytime soon.

These people are nuts. They’re genuine wackos. I wish I had more time for this.

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