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RUSH: So, I checked the email during the break.  “Rush, you haven’t talked about the lawsuit against Antonio Brown.”  I said, “That’s right.  I haven’t talked about the lawsuit.”  Some female former personal trainer of his in Florida has sued him civilly — not criminally, sued him civilly — for rape. His agent says (paraphrased), “Yeah, we knew this was coming.  We’re prepared for this.  We’re gonna fight back on it.  It’s not true.  She’s just making a grab for money.”

The problem is that the NFL has to look into it.  The problem is that it’s just another thing piled high on top of all the other baggage Antonio Brown has to carry around now.  And there’s talk the NFL may suspend him with pay while they investigate. I mean, this is the #MeToo movement, gang, the #MeToo movement.  A woman has made an allegation. We have to believe the woman.  Next thing you know, there’s gonna be a picture of Antonio Brown hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein.  I’m just kidding.  I’m just… (laughing)


RUSH: Also, “Rush, you haven’t talked about the new iPhone.” No, I have not talked about the new iPhone because if I bring up the new iPhones I’m gonna hear from the Stick-to-the-Issues Crowd. But I’m gonna tell you, I’ll give you a little hint here. This new iPhone 11 that’s 50 bucks cheaper than the iPhone XR, this iPhone 11 is a better phone than their top-of-the-line phone right now, the iPhone XS, XS Max.

It’s got gigabit LTE, it’s got the fastest LTE in it. The XR did not. It had slow LTE. It’s gonna have Wi-Fi 6 in it. It’s gonna have the big chip. It’s got the two cameras in it now. It is a better phone than the current XS Max, which costs 13 or $1,400. This thing’s gonna be less than $700.

This thing is gonna be hot. The two pro phones are great. But, as a mass market phone, this new iPhone 11 and these new colors, the internals, the tech that makes the communication aspects fast, download speeds, great processor, fastest Wi-Fi, it’s blazing. It’s a much better phone than the XR was.

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