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RUSH: Last weekend there was an op-ed in the Washington paper The Hill and it raised a question: Why New York City loses more residents than any other city. According to libertarian author Kristin Tate, 270 New Yorkers abandon the city each day.

Taxes play a major role. New York City residents have the highest tax burden in the country.

Now, Democrat Mayor De Blasio brags he wants to “tax the hell out of the rich.” Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo (the brother of Fredo) has made it even worse. So a lot of residents are “crying uncle.” Since they can’t fully deduct their state and local taxes any more because of Trump’s tax reform, they’re escaping to lower-tax states like Florida and Texas.

It’s also about quality of life. After years of declining crime — thanks to mayors like Giuliani — violent crime is rising again. The cops are afraid to make arrests. It’s predictable. City schools are failing. Over 200 schools need “serious reform,” according to the state Department of Education. Then there’s the staggering cost of living. Rents and real estate prices are at an all-time high.

So they’re leaving, but do you know what they’re doing? They’re going to other states and they’re taking everything that destroyed New York with them! They’re not learning anything, and we’re paying the price when these people come and infect our states. I would prefer that they stay in New York, and keep the destruction local!

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