Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Cold Water
RUSH: Far-left Democrat ideas like Medicare-for-All might sell to their kook base, but beyond that, socialism isn’t getting much traction on the campaign trail.
Politics Has Forever Changed Hurricane Coverage
RUSH: I'm watching The Weather Channel, and they're just excited! They're excited this thing is growing and it's becoming more intense and it's becoming more destructive.
It’s About Time! Trump Allies to Investigate Dishonest Press
RUSH: They've become political activists disguised as journalists, so the Trump supporters are gonna start investigating these people.
Can Civilization Survive Such Stupidity?
RUSH: Did you see, folks, this picture? Every time I think there's hope for the country, I see something that raises the threat level and increases my doubt.
Inspiring Blind Caller: I Do More Now Than When I Could See
RUSH: I know what you mean 'cause I have some commonality with you.
Democrats Panicked Because They’re Stuck with Biden
RUSH: Sorry, Kamala, sorry, Fauxcahontas, sorry, Beto, sorry, Mayor Pete, sorry, I can't even remember the rest. Sorry there isn't anybody else.
Massive Misinformation from Google on Supposed iPhone Hack
RUSH: Last week there was this massive news report. It went way beyond the tech blogs.
We Already Have the ChiCom Social Credit System Courtesy of Big Tech
RUSH: I don't see any real difference other than Google and Twitter and YouTube are not government. But this is the kind of thing that takes hold and can build.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Had a Very Bad Dream
RUSH: I want to go back to the audio sound bites here, and we're back under the umbrella of sheer ignorance.
Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.