Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 13,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Aug 13, 2019


Daily Wire: CNN’s Cuomo Explodes After Heckler Calls Him ‘Fredo’: ‘I’ll F***ing Throw You Down These Stairs’
Breitbart: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Threatens Violence After Man Calls Him ‘Fredo’: ‘I’ll F*cking Throw You Down These Stairs’
NewsBusters: CNN’s Cuomo Bashes Covington Kids as ‘Victims of Their Own Choices’
Daily Wire: CNN Declares ‘Fredo’ An ‘Ethnic Slur’; Here Are The Times It Was Used On CNN
New York Post: Chris Cuomo Once Referred to Himself as ‘Fredo’ in Radio Interview
The Week: Hong Kong Protesters Wave American Flag, Sing National Anthem
ABC: Riot Police Storm Hong Kong Airport Sfter Second Day of Cancellations Due to Protests
FOXNews: What Hong Kong Unrest Tells Us About China’s Plans for the Rest of the World
National Review: Laurence Tribe’s Fact-Free Defense of Abortion Rights
PJ Media: Drag Queen Teaches Toddlers How to ‘Twerk’ at Library Story Time
Washington Times: Kamala Harris Confronted by 92-Year-Old at Senior Center: ‘Leave Our Health Care System Alone’
The Hill: Biden’s Gaffes Pile Up, Worrying Some Supporters Oregon Governor Signs Law Ending Cage Confinement for Agg-Laying Hens
Washington Times: Acknowledging Trump’s Robust Economy. Democrats Won’t Say So, But The Evidence Is There – Scott Walker
Alec Baldwin tweets Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Russians
New York Post: Jeffrey Epstein’s computers seized during FBI raid on private island


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:


