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RUSH: Saturday in Atlanta there was a convention. It was the National Convention of the Democratic Socialists of America. Now, this is truly a fringe group. This is a fringe Democrat group that’s actually mainstream. This is a group that embodies quite a few young and middle-aged disaffected and completely abnormal people who cannot find a way to fit in. And I think, by the way, that accurately describes quite a large segment of the Democrat base, if you want to get right down to it.

I think it’s a lot of people that just can’t find a way to fit in, and they’re fed up with that, and they know it, and so they’re trying to reorient and redefine things so that what they are and what they believe is what is normal. It’s a lost cause. But these two sound bites are perfectly illustrative of who these people are. There is a segment here. These sound bites come during a segment in the convention, Democratic Socialists of America, on defeating capitalism, and this discussion was prominent in this convention. Here’s the first of the two bites…

WOMAN #1: If we want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism. Thank you so much.

FEMALE MODERATOR: Great. Bring it on. Um —

JACKSON: Um, quick point of privilege! Quick point of personal privilege!


JACKSON: Ummm, guys… First of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him. I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum?

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait! Stop! This is going by so fast. Take this back to the top now. This guy said, “Guys, guys, uh, uh, hang on! Point of personal privilege. First of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him.” He’s identifying himself as a cisgender male. He wants everybody to know that he doesn’t intend to be discriminating against any trannies that are in the crowd. So he’s identifying himself as cisgender, binary. “He/him” as opposed to they/us, as opposed to it/them, or however they do it. Okay. From the top again…

WOMAN: If we want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism. Thank you so much.

FEMALE MODERATOR: Great. Bring it on. Um —

JACKSON: Um, quick point of privilege! Quick point of personal privilege!


JACKSON: Ummm, guys… First of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him. I just want to say, can we please the chatter to a minimum? I’m one of the people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload. There’s a lot of whispering and chatter going on. It’s making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, can we just…? I know it’s… We’re all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It’s affecting my ability to focus. Thank you.

FEMALE MODERATOR: Thank you, Comrade. Okay. Is there a speaker against name, chapter, pronouns?

MAN: Point of privilege! Point of personal privilege!


MAN: Please do not use gendered language to c… (sputtering) to address everyone! (Gasp!)


RUSH: You should see the look on the moderator’s face. The moderator’s face is clueless. The moderator has lost control. The moderator thinks that everybody loves her. The moderator thinks she’s in total control. The moderator’s having the time of her life! She matters. Her life matters! She’s at the National Socialist convention, and here are two people — after a wonderful presentation — complaining to her. One is complaining about whispering and charter, and he’s being sensory overloaded. He can’t he can’t focus, and it’s her fault. He identified himself as “he/him.”

That ticked off somebody else in the crowd, the second guy who said (impression), “Hey, point of personal privilege! Please don’t use gendered language to address everyone, all right? We know. We can tell by looking at you what you are! We don’t need to hear it.” So they can’t even keep order in his own convention. This guy did not want to hear, “Hi, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him.” (laughing) “I don’t want to hear the gendered stuff, all right? I can tell by looking at you what you are and what you’re not. (pause) I think.” Then the second sound bite from the National Convention of Democratic Socialists of America, a guy stood up to outline the rules of the convention…

MAN: First of all, in this room, I see that no one’s clapping for me. It could be because I’m not engaging, but it also is because everyone’s doing this (jazz hands), and that’s really important. Because those loud bursts of noise even though this is a noisy space when we can do something like reducing that, that’s really important. We’re not trying to be jerks, but there are, uhhh, right-wing infiltrators who are trying to get in here. Don’t really talk to anybody who doesn’t have a credential! Don’t talk to cops! Don’t talk to MAGA ass(bleep)s.

CROWD: (hooting)

MAN: We’re almost there. There’s also, on Piedmont 8, a completely quiet room. One thing to note there. Please don’t go into that space with anything that’s like an aggressive scent, for instance, right? Trying to be chill, right? Take a deep breath (inhales/exhales) and feel better before you say anything.

RUSH: Folks, there’s nothing I can add here. I may be able to clarify, point things out, but… when I hear this, can I tell you my honest reaction? I feel so sorry. I really do. I feel so sorry for these people, and I wonder: What the hell has happened to them? They’re just being robbed! These people are being robbed of a normal life in the greatest country on earth by all of these really extreme, crazy influences. You know, they’re seeking some kind of relevance and meaning, and they are finding it — or trying to find it — in some of the oddest places.

I’m sure this guy probably thinks that he was a hero by warning people not to make noise, and warning people (summarized), “There are right-wing infiltrators trying to get in here! Don’t talk to anybody who doesn’t have a credential! Don’t talk to the cops. Don’t talk to any of these MAGA [butt]holes. We’re almost there. And then on Piedmont 8, there’s another ballroom, completely quiet room. But one thing to note, please don’t go in there with anything like an aggressive scent,” which could be anything from somebody expelling gas to putting on too much perfume.

Look at all of the restrictions these people want to put on each other. Look at all of the shaming they want to do on each other, and look at what kind of behavior it is that draws plaudits. Oh, and how about in the first bite? Yeah, I didn’t miss it, the moderator saying, “Thank you, Comrade.” Are we serious here? “Thank you, Comrade”? For those of you who don’t, that’s how the old Soviet Union communists addressed each other. They were comrades.

So here at the National Socialist convention, somebody speaks and complains about the noises as being distracting, preventing some poor guy from focusing. “Thank you, Comrade! Thank you. Thank you, Comrade.” And then this other guy stood up and said he was sick and tired of the “gendered language to address everybody.” But this is who these people are, and you talk about how do you help them? You want to grab their shoulders and shake ’em and say, “What happened to you? What is it that has caused you…?” Well, I can answer my own question. (interruption)

“Where do they work where there’s no sensory overload?” I don’t know that they do work. I mean, there’s really a disconnect here. And a lot of people think that, “Well, if we just find a way to reach these people and convert them.” I don’t know that we know how, folks. I wouldn’t know. If I walked in there — and if I were anonymous, if I was invisible and walked in there — and had the objective of trying to get these people to check back into reality, what would you do?


RUSH: What do you think that was on parade at that socialist convention, the two sound bites we played? Those are people that are miserable. They’re upset over the noise. They’re upset over the gender identity language that was being used. They’re upset over the fact that too many people smell too strong. There just an endless parade of unhappiness and misery, and that makes them angry.

Especially when they look out over land of America and they see smiles and happiness and people enjoying life and enjoying America, it just enrages them. So here come the Democrat candidates running for president and they know what their base is. So they have to find a way to relate to the anger. They have to find a way to relate to the dystopia. They have to find a way to relate to the misery and the depression and the unhappiness, and that’s exactly what they’re doing. In the process, there isn’t a single one of them who can say, “I have a better idea. I can do it even better!”

All they can do now is promise to give everything away. They are bankrupt in every serious way that matters. So now they’re lashing out at us, white supremacists, white nationalists. During those two sound bites from the National Socialist convention, I asked a question: “Where do these people work?” I said, “Maybe many of them don’t.” I got an answer to it. “Dear Rush: A lot of people like the socialists in those two sound bites you played have jobs in local and state government. A lot of them work in the public school system.

“Many of them work for nonprofits. Some of them work at places like Starbucks, and every one of those places — local and state government, the public school system, nonprofits, Starbucks, you name it, all of those places — will accommodate wackos on too much sound, aggressive smells, desired pronouns. So, yeah, Mr. Limbaugh, they’re working, and in many ways, they’re working in places you don’t see them — except the school system — and they have a direct impact on people’s kids.”

That’s a good point.


RUSH: Here is Sandra in Miami. You’re next. It’s great to have you with us. Hi.

CALLER: I’m a business owner. I am a legal Hispanic from El Salvador, Central America, where the MS-13 gangs are coming; invading — because that’s the word we have to use, invading — the USA because illegal immigration is an invasion. There’s nothing wrong with that. And my husband escaped communist Cuba. People have to understand one thing. People don’t know what is socialism, how bad it is. They think it’s… What the Democrats are saying is wrong. I lived through a war in El Salvador and escaped. My husband escaped communist Cuba. We know what it is. How can people…? People died to come to the United States to freedom!

RUSH: Well, now, this is another interesting point. People who have come here legally from socialist enclaves around the world, either the Eastern Bloc in Asia or from Cuba, Venezuela. They all know what socialism is. They want no part of it. They’ve escaped it. The United States is a panacea. It is a God-blessed salvation to them. But we would make a mistake in assuming that the illegal immigrants that are being brought here as part of a political operation feel the same way. Maybe some of them do. I think the take-away here is that of course people who have fled socialism and communism to come to the United States understand exactly what’s what, and they want no part of the Democrat Party. But they haven’t wanted part of the Democrat Party in a long time. Let me ask: Sandra, when’s the last time you voted Democrat?

CALLER: Never! (chuckles)

RUSH: Well, see, that’s my point. But a lot of Hispanics do. A lot of Hispanics and a lot of Latinos do. Many of those who are coming here via illegal immigration, which is a political operation. Folks, let’s pull the blinds back. This is all a political operation. It is designed to register voters. It’s designed to create this permanent underclass that the Democrat Party needs. These people coming from existing socialist countries in Central and South America are not coming here in the same way Sandra did. They’re coming here for totally different reasons.

My point is it would be a mistake to assume…

Well, what Sandra’s trying to point out is that she resents the fact that every Hispanic and Latino is considered a socialist, and that’s how the Drive-Bys are portraying all this people. The Drive-By Media is portraying every one of these people coming here illegally as some kind of a deserving victim of this country, and that’s not how she views it. But the fact is, that’s who the Democrats are finding. They’re bringing people here for the express purpose of adding and promoting the party agenda. But it does illustrate — calls like Sandra’s illustrate — that the Democrats don’t own the Hispanic vote. They don’t own the Latino vote. It’s just another daily Drive-By Media myth that everybody has to seemingly tolerate. Thank you, Sandra.


RUSH: I want to review this now that I can add some things to this. This is the Democratic Socialists of America convention. It was in Atlanta over the weekend. And I’ve got two sound bites. They both make a point. Just play ’em both. Here’s number one. We’ll play ’em back-to-back.

WOMAN: If we want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism. Thank you so much.

FEMALE MODERATOR: Great. Bring it on. Um —

JACKSON: Um, quick point of privilege! Quick point of personal privilege!


JACKSON: Ummm, guys… First of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him. I just want to say, can we please the chatter to a minimum? I’m one of the people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload. There’s a lot of whispering and chatter going on. It’s making it very difficult for me to focus. Please, can we just…? I know it’s… We’re all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum? It’s affecting my ability to focus. Thank you.

FEMALE MODERATOR: Thank you, Comrade. Okay. Is there a speaker against name, chapter, pronouns?

MAN: Point of privilege! Point of personal privilege!


MAN: Please do not use gendered language (sputtering) to address everyone! (Gasp!)


MAN: First of all, in this room, I see that no one’s clapping for me. It could be because I’m not engaging, but it also is because everyone’s doing this (jazz hands), and that’s really important. Because those loud bursts of noise, even though this is a noisy space, when we can do something like reducing that, that’s really important. We’re not trying to be jerks, but there are, uhhh, right-wing infiltrators who are trying to get in here. Don’t really talk to anybody who doesn’t have a credential. Don’t talk to cops! Don’t talk to MAGA ass(bleep)s.

CROWD: (hooting)

MAN: We’re almost there. There’s also, on Piedmont 8, a completely quiet room. One thing to note there. Please don’t go into that space with anything that’s like an aggressive scent, for instance, right? Try to be chill, right? Take a deep breath (inhales/exhales) and feel better before you say anything.

RUSH: Aggressive scents, too much noise, it’s so much stress and pressure! Please, everybody just shut up. I can’t focus, I can’t focus. I don’t want to hear the gender pronouns, could you stop with the gender pronouns, he, him, we get what you are.

National socialists. So I made the comment afterwards, where in the hell do these people work? Maybe they don’t work. Somebody sent me a note. And this is important. They do work. And I think this is right on the money. They have jobs in local and state government. They work in the public school system. Many of them are teachers, but a lot of them administrators. Some custodians, but who knows.

Nonprofits. They are all over the nonprofit sector. Starbucks. And all of those places will accommodate wacko demands like this. They’ll bend over backgrounds to tell you you can’t do this or you can’t do that because you are offending or you are upsetting the poor sensory overload people. Oh my God, it’s so bad.

Now, who are these people demanding solitude and demanding quiet and demanding nobody smell too aggressively or whatever? These are the very people offended and triggered by loud noises and hissing and clapping, gendered pronouns, they cause anxiety. These are the same people that are hooting and hollering and using bullhorns and air horns, beating down front doors trying to intimidate conservatives on their front lawn, in restaurants demanding that they leave or attacking Mitch McConnell.

These are people like Joaquin Castro. (imitating Castro) “I’m not going to tolerate anybody who donated to Donald Trump.” So he runs a full-page ad doxing and outing donors to Trump. A little funny side light. It turned out that he doxed one of his own donors in that ad. He’s a twin brother of Julian Castro, who’s running for president. They are both sons of one of the most radical community organizers in America, Rosie Castro of San Antonio.

And these people, they’re the intolerant ones, and they are the mean ones, and they’re the ones that just can’t let anybody go about their lives and go about their business. They have to busybody themselves in everybody’s life to put up stop signs or to get somebody else to put up a stop sign, tell you you can’t do this or you can’t do that. And they act like they’re these very delicate little flowers and they’re triggered by the slightest thing and we can’t do that.

Yet you’ll find ’em raising hell at any anti-Trump protest or anti-Mitch McConnell protest or in any restaurant trying to intimidate Republicans in there into leaving. And this, my friends, is the Democrat base. Many of them are Millennials, not all, but many of them are.


RUSH: Here’s Keith in Jupiter, Florida. Great to have you, sir. Glad you waited. Hi.

CALLER: Rush, I’m dying laughing at the comrade meeting. Can you imagine these guys telling Putin or Castro, “Oh, my God, this is sensory overload. Could you please be quiet?”

RUSH: (laughing) Or Hugo Chavez, “You gotta stop it, you gotta stop it, the smells are too strong, you must stop it.”

CALLER: These guys would last 10 seconds in real communist environments.

RUSH: You know it’s like my dad always said when my dad was trying to educate me in my preteen and teenage years about communism, he’d watch at the time Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor, the news people, and he would look at me and say, “Son, the thing these people don’t realize is that if the communists ever do get control of this country, these are the first people the communists are gonna go after and shut down,” meaning the news media, meaning free media, free journalism and so forth and so on.

And yet they were extolling the virtues of the Soviet Union. They were extolling the virtues of communism and so forth. They always have, the Drive-By Media. But, no, your point is exactly right. These people, compared to real thug communists, wouldn’t know what hit them if they actually encountered one.

CALLER: I really appreciate the laugh, Rush. I just enjoyed that so much.

RUSH: Which was your favorite? The comrade or the guy asking for no gender identification before every speaker, or somebody requesting to stop speaking with —

CALLER: Well, here’s what’s funny about the no gender identification. I thought that was Bernie Sanders. I thought you were playing a clip from the Democrat debate. And I thought that was Bernie Sanders yelling, “No gender identification.”

RUSH: It did sound like somebody of Bernie’s — is it number 29? Do we have time to squeeze this back in one more time? Is it number 29, give me a quick up and down yes or no. Play sound bite 29, I’ll go with it. No. No. That’s not what it is. It’s number 1 through 11 and I can’t remember which it is. Anyway, we’ll save it and run it by you tomorrow because it is classic. I’m glad you called, Keith. Thanks much.


RUSH: I don’t have time to play the bite. It’s 45 seconds. But in the bite, the female moderator is about to wrap up her great presentation on socialism, and the guy says, “Quick point of order. Guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he/him.” He’s identifying himself as a cisgender male. “I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum? I’m one of those people who’s very, very prone to sensory overload. There’s a lot of whispering, chattering going on. It’s really difficult for me to focus. Can we just — I know we’re all really fresh and ready to go, but can we please keep the chatter to a minimum? It’s affecting my ability to focus. Thank you.”

And she says, “Thank you, Comrade. Is there a speaker against name, chatter, pronoun?”

“Point of honor, personal privilege. Please don’t use gendered language to address everyone.”

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