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RUSH: Grab sound bite number 29. This is Frank Figliuzzi, the former FBI assistant director. He was on MSNBC on Monday night. Now, I’m just gonna play this. It’s about 36 seconds. I’m not gonna have much time for analysis afterward, but this is just an example of the lunacy and the insanity that is out there all the time now…

FIGLIUZZI: The president said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th. (pause) That’s 8/8! Now, I’m not gonna imply that he did this deliberately, but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together stand for “Heil Hitler!” So we’re gonna be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8.

RUSH: (Laughing.)


RUSH: Now, we’re gonna do this again. I’m going to set this up. This is a former assistant FBI director. His name is Frank Figliuzzi. I never heard of him before this, but he’s a former FBI assistant director. So he ranks up fairly high. He was on PMSNBC on Monday night on a program called The 11th Hour with Brian Williams. So there’s not a whole lot of opportunity for accuracy on this show anyway, what with Brian Williams hosting it. He makes things up, puts himself places he never was.

Then they bring this lunatic in, and the upshot of this guy’s point is that Trump is Hitler and is secretly signaling to all of his neo-Nazi, white supremacist supporters when and how they are going to celebrate Nazism. That’s what this guy’s point is. Now, I maintain to you that somebody willing to go on TV and literally say this has lost their mind. They’ve lost all connection to normalcy and reality, for whatever reasons. I mean, I could speculate.

And I could probably be right about why these people have become so unhinged and deluded, but then you gotta keep in mind that there’s a network that is putting them on, a network that is permitting this and promoting this. And I can assure you that none of this is anywhere close to the thinking of anywhere near a majority of the American people. So here we go again: Former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi telling MSNBC viewers how Trump is secretly signaling to his neo-Nazi white supremacists the way they’re gonna celebrate all this…

FIGLIUZZI: The president said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th. (pause) That’s 8/8! Now, I’m not gonna imply that he did this deliberately —

RUSH: Yes you are! Yes you are!

FIGLIUZZI: — but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together stand for “Heil Hitler!”

RUSH: (laughing)

FIGLIUZZI: So we’re gonna be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8!

RUSH: (laughing) So Trump’s putting the flag at half mast through August 8 so that 88 can be out there because 8 represents H, and two 8 together puts two H’s together, and everybody knows that when two H’s appear together everybody knows that means, “Heil Hitler.” The media treats this guy as though he honestly has  something to say! They treat this guy with respect, and they say that Trump is all these horrible names they call him. This reminded me of something, and it may be reminding you of something.

I had to go back to October 16th, 1995, to revive my memory…

FARRAKHAN: Each one of these monuments is 19 feet high! Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president. Thomas Jefferson, the third president — and 16 and three make 19 again. (Rush audience laughing) What is so deep about this number, 19? Why are we standing on the Capitol steps today? (laughing)

RUSH: (laughing)

FARRAKHAN: That number 19, when you have a nine, you have woman that is pregnant. And when you have a one standing by the nine, it means that there’s something secret that has to be unfolded. Abraham Lincoln’s statue: 19 feet high, 19 feet wide!

RUSH: And there you have it, Calypso Louie at the Million Man March. There weren’t a million men there, but it was a Million Man March, back in October of 1995. Just as senseless and deranged as the former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi. (laughing) These people, folks… You know, it’s fun for me to try to figure out how they’ve lost it. To me, there’s value in that. Many of you probably don’t care. You just deal with the fact that they’ve lost it, expose them and so forth. But this guy’s a former assistant FBI director!

These people on the left… It’s like Nicolle Wallace. Nicolle Wallace, I never met her, but I always knew of her. She was in the comms office during the George W. Bush administration. There was a time she would defend Bush against all the silliness he was being accused of. She was at one time hated by the Drive-By Media because they hated George W. Bush. But she was especially prominent during election campaigns. She was equivalent to the Kellyanne Conway of today. Something happened.

I don’t know when or what, but she’s now ended up at MSNBC for the last, I don’t know, 10 years, and she’s just gone. Whatever she was is gone now. Whatever linkage… You know, she was the one the McCain campaign assigned to Sarah Palin during that campaign, and apparently, I think, this was it. She apparently thought Palin was so unqualified that she couldn’t vote for her. She felt really bad. She felt the party was making a big mistake. Anyway, on MSNBC earlier, Nicolle Wallace actually said that Trump’s objective is the “extermination of Hispanics” and Latinos.

The extermination! The same guy here at the FBI talking about heil Hitler and 88 and Trump flying the flag at half-mast is a signal to “Heil Hitler,” these people? What did Hitler do? Exterminated the Jews. Now here comes Nicolle Wallace, who has apparently totally lost any grounding, now saying that Trump wants to “exterminate Hispanics.” Now, she’s since apologized for it. She said, “I misspoke about Trump calling for an extermination of Latinos. My mistake was unintentional and I’m sorry.

“Trump’s constant assault on people of color and his use of the word ‘invasion’ to describe the flow of immigrants is intentional and constant.”


RUSH: Hey, folks! Hey, folks! Barack Obama was the 44th president. Four and 4 equals 8. Does it mean Obama is half, “Heil Hitler”? So is Obama the Heil in “Heil Hitler,” according to “Kagluzzi,” whatever his name is, in the FBI? I’m just asking. I’m just curious.


RUSH: Barack Obama is the 44th president; there’s 8. His middle name? Hussein! There’s an H. There’s an 88. So Obama is also “Heil Hitler.” If you’re wondering, “What is Rush talking about?” then you need to grab on or about number 12. I gotta play this again, folks. We need the comic relief. We need it.

Here is a former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi Monday night on with my MSNBC…

FIGLIUZZI: The president said that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8th. (pause) That’s 8/8! Now, I’m not gonna imply that he did this deliberately, but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House. The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together stand for “Heil Hitler!” So we’re gonna be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8!

RUSH: Right, and Brian Williams is sitting there nodding his head like he understands and agrees. I mean… You know, they’re run out of ways for the word “racist” to have any impact; I’ve run out of descriptives for them. “Lunatic” and “insane” doesn’t do it. “Deranged,” “unhinged” don’t do it. I mean, these people are not even attached to anything that’s normal. I think that’s probably it, when you get right down to it. I think these people have become so detached from normalcy — and some of them know it, and it bothers them. They want what they believe and who they are to be normal, and they know they’re not.

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