Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 17,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jul 17, 2019


Mediaite: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib Blame Speaker Pelosi for Attacks and Death Threats
National Review: Trump and the ‘Racist Tweets’ – Andrew McCarthy
Reuters: Republican Support for Trump Rises After Racially Charged Tweets: Reuters/Ipsos Poll
FOXNews: Pelosi’s Remarks on Trump’s ‘Racist’ Comments Ruled Out of Order, After Floor Fight Erupts
NBC: House Votes to Condemn Trump ‘Racist Comments,’ with Only Four Republicans Backing the Measure
LA Times: AOC and the Democrats Gave Trump the Fight He Was Looking For – Jon Healey
Daily Caller: ‘Four Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse’ — Sen. John Kennedy Rips Squad ‘Whack Jobs’
Roll Call: House’s Condemnation of Trump May Just be the Beginning
HotAir: The Hill: House Dems Still Seething Over AOC Chief Of Staff
Washington Examiner: AOC Chief of Staff Confirms: Green New Deal Was Not Really About the Climate
Wall Street Journal: Nancy Pelosi Plans Meeting With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Amid Party Tensions
Daily Wire: CNN Tries To Convince GOP Women That Trump Is Racist, Doesn’t Go Over Well
National Review: As Trump Piles Up Successes – and Gaffes – the Dems Implode Conrad Black
Breitbart: List of Racist Statements by Members of the ‘Squad’ (So Far)
New York Post: Meet the Man Behind AOC’s Brain and Other Commentary
FOXNews: Ocasio-Cortez Gets New 2020 Challenger: a Republican Immigrant from Jamaica
Axios: Schumer Announces Support for Slavery Reparations Bill
ClimateDepot: Prince Charles At It Again: Issues New 18-Month Climate Tipping Point After Previous ‘100 Month’ Deadline Expires
Boston Herald: Carbon Tax Just Another Painful Fee
Vice: ‘Climate Despair’ Is Making People Give Up on Life


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: