Rush 24/7 Morning Update: High-Speed Swindle
RUSH: Not only were farmers stiffed, it turns out that the “high-speed train” Obama and Jerry Brown promised won’t even be high-speed!
Trump Shows Them What They Can’t Match
RUSH: If you watched this last night, you were looking at the right man, the right place at the right time. You can't imagine anybody else up there.
Trump Rally Goer Explains Why Some Left Early
CALLER: We waited in line in the torrential rain and the hot sun for over 10 hours.
Imagine Being a Biden Adviser This Morning
RUSH: You're Joe Biden last night, and your advisers come in, and they say, "Joe, don't sweat it, don't sweat anything that happened last night."
AOC Just Wants to Get Noticed
RUSH: I think there is a part of her that just can't go a day without getting noticed.
Star Witness at Reparations Hearing Is a Wealthy Actor
RUSH: I'm sure Danny Glover has starred in many roles as an African-American discriminated against. This gives him instantly credibility with the left. This is not new.
A CMO on the Impact of External and Internal Protest Pressure
RUSH: They're not gonna waste their time trying to get somebody who's not gonna buckle to them to buckle. They'll go find people who are weaker in will.
Bite Me Blasted for Comments About His Segregationist Pals
RUSH: Biden still has many more sacks of manure to step in.
Conservatism Works Every Time It’s Tried — And Trump’s Instincts Are Conservative
RUSH: If we just put somebody up there who's got the guts to be conservative and not water it down the way the Washington establishment wants it watered down, it'll work.
Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.