Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 11,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 11, 2019


USAToday: Trump vs. Biden in Iowa: Septuagenarian Rivals Try to Demonstrate Vigor in Head-to-Head Stops
UKDM: ‘Trump is an Existential Threat to America!’ No More Mr. Nice Guy for Biden as He Opens Up Direct Attack on President with Iowa Speech that Slams Him by Name 76 Times
RealClearPolitics: Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Impeachment Is “Not Off The Table,” Will “Bubble Up” From The Committees
NewsBusters: CBS, NBC Reward Democrats for Their John Dean Testimony ‘Stunt’
Daily Wire: Louie Gohmert Blasts CNN’s John Dean, Mocks MSNBC’s Joyce White Vance
Daily Wire: Matt Gaetz Shreds CNN Contributor John Dean During Hearing
Washington Examiner: Audience Laughs at Watergate Attorney John Dean’s Answer to Jim Jordan Grills
New York Post: Video Appears to Show Helicopter Flying Erratically Before Midtown Crash
Washington Examiner: Audience Laughs at Watergate Attorney John Dean’s Answer to Jim Jordan Grills
Breitbart: Top Execs of 180 Companies: Abortion Necessary to Be Successful in Business
CBS: Third Discrimination Suit Filed Against Masterpiece Cakeshop
Breitbart: Donald Trump: Mexico Doing More to Stop Migrant Crisis than Democrats
NPR: Vatican Issues Document During Pride Month Denying Concept Of Gender Identity
FOXNews: LA Times Columnist Slams City Leaders for Failing to Tackle Homeless Crisis
BigThink: Los Angeles’s Homeless Population Up 16 Percent from 2018
CNN: Exclusive: Trump Campaign Considering Putting Resources in Oregon
Washington Post: Trump Slams Biden Ahead of Competing Events in Iowa
AP: Trump Criticizes Biden Before Departing for Iowa
Breitbart: John Durham Investigating Role of ‘Foreign Intelligence Services’ in Russia Probe
Washington Examiner: Meadows Predicts DOJ Inspector General FISA Abuse Report will be Late Due to New Developments
The Hill: Michelle Obama to Lead Female Celebrity Dodgeball Team in ‘Late Late Show’ Face-Off
Denver Post: Dodgeball is a Tool of “Oppression” Used to “Dehumanize” Others, Researchers Argue


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: