Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Advice for Chuck!

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 11,2019

RUSH: There is an embarrassing rumor is circulating about two New York politicians. One is a dinosaur. The other is a brash newcomer who burst on the political scene.

The rumor, reported by Axios, is that top Democrats are abuzz that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will challenge Senate Minority Leader ”Chuck-You” Schumer in 2022. Or, that AOC might go after New York’s forgotten Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, in 2024.

But the big worry is for Chuck-You Schumer. Because, says Axios, AOC is now one of the Democrat party’s “most powerful endorsers.” Right up there with the Obamas and the Clintons. Plus, socialism is surging in popularity, especially with young Democrat women voters. That’s bad news for the old dinosaur, Chuck-You.

So I have some advice — we like to be helpful here — some advice for Chuck-You.

• First, ditch the white-bread “Chuck” stuff. Start identifying as “Charles Ocasio-Schumer.”

• Next, jump all over the Green New Deal. You’ve got more than a million cows in New York. They all pass gas. Methane. Promise to contain it, personally if necessary.

• Finally, express sensitivity for minorities. Promise to defeat racist cauliflower in our lifetime. You can do it, Chuck, take my advice and AOC will have nothing on you.

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