Il Papa Angers the Left During Pride Month

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 11,2019

RUSH: Now, this is pride month. Do you know what that means? Okay. Well, Il Papa — sometimes this guy does stuff that is out of character. The pope. Now, the pope is a left-wing activist. Got himself in there as Il Papa, and he’s been doing left-wing activist stuff. But the pope has come out and denied during pride month the concept of gender identity. And NPR is livid about it.

“The Vatican department charged with overseeing Catholic education released an extensive document Monday decrying what it calls a ‘crisis’ on whether gender can be an individual choice rather than being set by God or biology.

“The document describes a culture-wide ‘disorientation’ that serves to ‘cancel out’ the natural difference between man and woman, as well as ‘destabilise the family as an institution.’”

So the pope, Il Papa — that’s what he’s called in Italy. I saw that in a newspaper once when I was there. It’s one of those things that sticks with you. Il Papa. Anyway, he’s come out against transgenderism, gender identity, and in a sense homosexuality as destabilizing the family as an institution.

“The Congregation for Catholic Education says the goal of the 31-page guide –” This is a guide on how you shouldn’t do this transgender stuff and you shouldn’t destabilize the family and if you’re born a woman, be happy about it. Born a man, be happy. You don’t have to right to choose this. Gender is not something you choose. God determines it. That’s in the guide.

And the goal of the guide, according to the Congregation for Catholic Education, is to “support those who work in the education of young people, so as to help them address in a methodical way (and in the light of the universal vocation to love of the human person) the most debated questions around human sexuality.”

The document’s called, “Male and Female He Created Them.” “He” is capitalized. “Male and Female He Created Them.” It “does not deviate from traditional Catholic teaching. The timing of its release, however, during the heart of Pride Month, led some to wonder whether Vatican bureaucracy was making a point.”

Oh! So it’s the bureaucracy. It may not be Il Papa. Although I don’t know how you separate the two. So essentially here the pope is saying that God determines the sex of human beings. To do otherwise will destabilize the family as an institution. Let me tell you, when the left cannot count on Pope Francis, then they’ve got trouble.

Now, this comes at the same time Vice President Pence affirmed the State Department decision to not fly rainbow flags during gay pride month. Quote, “As the president said on the night we were elected, we’re proud to be able to serve every American. We both feel that way very passionately. But when it comes to the American flagpole and American embassies in capitals around the world, one American flag flies.”

That’s hard to disagree with. If you’re gonna start putting up a pride flag, then you know somebody’s gonna say, “How about the Confederate flag?” And then somebody’s gonna say, “How about the California flag? We’re leading the way.” It’s only common sense. Common sense of course another enemy of the Democrat Party.

So a militant gay wants the guy in Denver to make a cake with a picture of Satan doing fellatio on top. Cake baker says no, and now he’s in court defending his circumstance, and the pope comes out against transgenderism as destabilizing the family.

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