Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 10,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 10, 2019


New York Post: Trump Blasts New York Times Over Report on Mexico Deal
New York Times: Mexico Agreed to Take Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal
Daily Caller: CNN Anchor: US Got ‘Almost Everything It Wanted’ With Mexico Trade Deal
Breitbart: Trump Deal with Mexico Likely Ends Catch-and-Release, Defunds Cartels
Washington Examiner: Traffickers Reap Up to $2.3B in Illegal Immigration, Offer ‘All-Inclusive’ Packages
Gateway Pundit: MS-13 Uses Child with Chickenpox to Try to Get into the US
American Mirror: Border Agents Allow Illegals to Hand Children Under Wall
Breitbart: Mexico Withholds Identities of Migrant Caravan Funders in U.S., Britain
USAToday: California to Become the First State to Extend Health Benefits to Some Who Live in US Illegally
NewsBusters: New York Times Runs Elaborate Front-Page Sunday Smear of YouTube Conservatives
Reuters: Trump Deal with Mexico a Win for ‘Hostage-Taking’: Former WTO Chief
FOXNews: Jason Chaffetz: Nadler ‘Running a Clown Show with Buckets of Chicken and Convicted Felons’
Bloomberg: Tequila Heiress Gets Biggest Cut of $5 Billion Cuervo Wealth
CNBC: Hiring by US Businesses Hits a Record High
The Hill: Alyssa Milano Urged Biden to Reverse Stance on Hyde Amendment: Reports
AP: Case Opened: Democrats Begin Public Airing of Mueller Report
Washington Free Beacon: Axelrod Mocks Biden’s ‘Best Friends’ Obama Tweet: ‘This is a Joke, Right?’
Reuters: Trump Threatens More Tariffs on Mexico Over Part of Immigration Deal
RealClearPolitics: CNBC’s Full Interview With President Donald Trump: China Will “Have To” Make A Deal
Los Angeles Times: Call Immigrant Detention Centers What They Really Are: Concentration Camps – Jonathan M. Katz
CNBC: Chamber of Commerce Hits Trump on ‘Weaponization of Tariffs’ — And Then Trump Calls CNBC to Fight Back
Townhall: California Poised to Give Illegal Immigrants Free Healthcare
New York Times: Migrants in Custody at Hospitals Are Treated Like Felons, Doctors Say
LA Times: Homelessness is a Crisis in California. Why are 2020 Candidates Mostly Ignoring It?


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: