Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Cause
RUSH: Any California driver who complains about gas prices should be giving the finger to Newsom and his fellow Democrats.
RUSH: Any California driver who complains about gas prices should be giving the finger to Newsom and his fellow Democrats.
RUSH: Biden's announcement yesterday… If a Republican had engaged in a rollout announcement yesterday like Biden did, he'd be out of the race today!
RUSH: There are so many lies that are part of the Joe Biden political life span that they are impossible to calculate, and the media is ignoring all of them. You want to hear just a few?
RUSH: That is a tweet from the New York Times editorial board! For crying out loud, you talk about high school?
RUSH: This is the luncheon where Mayor Pete asked the Reverend Sharpton if it was okay to eat fried chicken with your fingers while in Harlem.
RUSH: Anita Hill was never believed by the American people, and the Democrats and the media have rewritten this history.
RUSH: "Make America Great Again" ought to be a rallying cry for everybody. Who in the world could oppose it?
RUSH: You know, I hadn't even thought about that 'til I saw your call up there, and I've been… It's a good question.
RUSH: I think Biden's real value was as vice president to Obama. Obama could not have found anybody more loyal.
RUSH: This is not fake news! What the heck?
RUSH: Now, the immediate challenge to Biden is not gonna be Trump. That's gonna be Crazy Bernie.
RUSH: This is not a silent coup. This is a military coup, and we are backing it.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.