Mueller Report: No Collusion or Obstruction. Period.
RUSH: We have a political document here written by pro-Hillary investigators and Mueller, designed to create the very news environment that we are in the middle of today.
RUSH: We have a political document here written by pro-Hillary investigators and Mueller, designed to create the very news environment that we are in the middle of today.
RUSH: In footnote 112 of the Mueller report (I think it’s page 27), they acknowledge that the pee tape story in the dossier was fake.
RUSH: Trump was not talking about that. He was talking about how these investigations paralyze presidents.
RUSH: He’s trying to make the point when he says “no official of the Trump administration — and, in fact, no American — colluded with Russia to affect this election” in the context of: Did Trump do it, did the Trump campaign do it?
CALLER: I have a mentally challenged daughter. She's 35, and she did not understand politics at all.
RUSH: The point of this today was for the media to be able to go back on offense on the subject of getting rid of Trump.
OBAMA 2016: There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even — you could even rig America's elections…
RUSH: She's not a socialist, and she doesn't want to be. "Thoughts from a Hipster Coffee Shop," by Alyssa Ahlgren.
RUSH: I knew we weren't gonna be talking about this kind of stuff today so I just decided to do the links themselves and let the links speak for themselves.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: In 1975, pollsters asked if men were better suited, emotionally, to hold public office. Nearly 50 percent of Americans said yeah, men were better suited.