Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Laguna Blues
RUSH: The Laguna Beach Police just gave their 11 squad cars a makeover, with the word "Police" in an American flag graphic on the doors. And it’s controversial.
RUSH: The Laguna Beach Police just gave their 11 squad cars a makeover, with the word "Police" in an American flag graphic on the doors. And it’s controversial.
RUSH: I want to say something to you, because I know every one of you almost, without exception, every one of you can learn from this.
RUSH: This is an idea that ought to be pitched right now to Crazy Bernie, it ought to be pitched to Kamala Harris and maybe even Mayor Pete.
RUSH: Ninety-two percent solid negative fake news. Not just negative, but fake news for two years on Donald Trump, and people still see him as the only person who can stop the left.
RUSH: The media has been lying to people about the Trump tax cuts. They have been telling people their taxes were going up or that they would not be getting a refund.
RUSH: Isn't that fascinating? Isn't that interesting? The Art of the Deal, some might say.
RUSH: Do you know how much precious artwork alone is inside this cathedral? This is big. It's amazing.
RUSH: Remember Nunes. Mueller walks in, day one, asks to see the file on the Comey investigation of Trump-Russia collusion, and it's empty.
RUSH: I gotta tell you, my tech bloggers, this just sent ’em for a loop. They’re so ticked off, they can’t see straight.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.