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RUSH: Hey, folks, I’m making my first-ever appearance on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight in the 6 o’clock hour on Fox News.

I’ve never been on this show. It’s a serious hour of news the way it used to be, and I’ve never been on this show before. I’m looking forward to it tonight.


RUSH: As I mentioned here at the close of the previous hour, I’m making my first-ever, inaugural appearance on Special Report with Bret Baier tonight in the 6 p.m. hour on the Fox News Channel. I’ve never been on this program.

You know, Special Report with Bret Baier is a throwback to what the nightly news telecast used to be. I mean, within limits. It’s better than that, but it’s its own contained universe of at least the idea of what journalism is. Anyway, it’s a prestigious hour on the Fox News Channel, and I’m making my first exalted appearance.

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