Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Happy Anniversary!
RUSH: Hey, folks, today is the seventh anniversary of a big geopolitical event, but you won’t hear it mentioned anywhere else.
RUSH: Hey, folks, today is the seventh anniversary of a big geopolitical event, but you won’t hear it mentioned anywhere else.
RUSH: You should not applaud that Robert Mueller didn't find anything. That validates Mueller, it validates this investigation, it validates this entire waste of time.
RUSH: Now, everybody has been sending me, “Rush, you need to see this montage. This is so great.” We do our own montages!
RUSH: I don't feel at all celebratory because I don't feel like we need to applaud members of a coup who failed.
RUSH: I'm not trying to tell you don't feel good about it. Just don't be thanking these people that tried to run your president out of town for failing at it.
RUSH: We can focus on any of them, but why not Bernstein? He's always been a clown. He's always been a hack.
RUSH: I got a note today from a friend. “Rush, do you know the major differences between us and Democrats?"
RUSH: Michael Avenatti has been charged with — does that say extortion? Tried to extract or extort more than $20 million from who? Nike.
RUSH: I guess they were challenging my patriotism. But I always had an answer for that.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.