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RUSH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Post: “AOC Explains Why ‘Farting Cows’ Were Considered in Green New Deal.” That is an actual headline with a picture of AOC here who is still — I think I’m looking at The Fly. I shouldn’t say that. I’m sorry. Really, I take that back.

“AOC Explains Why ‘Farting Cows’ Were Considered in Green New Deal –‘In the deal, what we talk about, and it’s true, is that we need to take a look at factory farming, you know? Period. It’s wild. And so it’s not to say you get rid of agriculture, it’s not to say we’re gonna force everybody to go vegan or anything crazy like that. But it’s to say, listen, we gotta address factory farming. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Like, let’s keep it real.'”

For climate change! To solve climate change. The woman is a ditz. She is a dangerous ditz because she doesn’t know it. She’s got an economics degree. The media treats her like the second coming. There’s nobody more dangerous than somebody that doesn’t know diddly-squat, who thinks they know squat-diddly, know everything.

Let’s go to the audio sound bites, because we have a couple here. Last night, there is a new show on Showtime, and it’s called Desus & Mero — some might pronounce that Day-Sues, but I know better. Desus & Mero. Desus Nice asked Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “On my twitter mentioned I’m getting a lot of mention about cow farts. I think that is a reference to your New Green Deal. Can you explain the cow fart business to us?”

CORTEZ: In the deal what we talk about is, I mean, and it’s — it’s true, is that we need to take a look at factory farming, you know, period. It’s wild. It’s not to say we’re going to force everybody to go vegan or anything crazy like that. But it’s to say, listen, we got to address factory farming. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have to take a look at everything and what we need to realize is that climate change is about every choice that we make in our lives.

RUSH: Oh, such brilliance. Put it up. When I see Cortez, if you’re watching on the Dittocam, this is the image that I get. Those eyes. It’s those eyes, folks. It’s not those fangs there. It’s those eyes. Who is stupider here? I’m sorry. I’m sure this sounds coarse. But I mean, who, Smollett or this babe? Play that again. Listen, actually listen to this. Hit it again.

CORTEZ: In the deal what we talk about is, I mean, and it’s — it’s true, is that we need to take a look at factory farming, you know, period. It’s wild. It’s not to say we’re going to force everybody to go vegan or anything crazy like that. But it’s to say, listen, we got to address factory farming. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have to take a look at everything and what we need to realize is that climate change is about every choice that we make in our lives.

RUSH: What business is it of yours who eats what when? And where did you grow up getting the idea that you think you can force everybody to do something? “Mr. Limbaugh, respectfully, that’s not what she said.” Yes, it is. When she says, “Look, it’s not to say we’re going to force everybody — ” she’s thinking about it. It’s her purview. You’re stupid. You’re destroying the planet. You don’t even know how. Cows are farting. Factory farming? Man, folks, we’re witnessing what has been the breakdown of America’s public education for I don’t know how many years. She is the quintessential illustration and product of modern education.

We have a bonus sound bite. Yes! Same show, Desus & Mero. And now the other co-host, Kid Mero, said, “Please look straight in the camera and explain the tax stuff for the dumb MFers that keep saying, ‘If I make a million dollars, she’s going to take $70 million away from me.'”

CORTEZ: You make more than 10 million in one year, your 10 millionth and 1 dollar gets taxed at 70%. And it really comes down to the question of, isn’t 10 million enough? Like when does it stop…

NICE: Yeah, when’s too much money too much?

CORTEZ: …right? Like, when at what point is it immoral that we’re building Jeff Bezos a helipad when we have the most amount of homeless people in New York City?

RUSH: So, Jeff Bezos is to blame for homelessness. That is going to be a big surprise to him. She doesn’t even understand marginal tax rates. And believe me, her plan does not allow you to make $10 million tax-free, and only at 10 million and one do you start paying 70%. This woman hasn’t the slightest idea. (imitating Cortez) “But then it really comes down to the question of, isn’t 10 million enough, like -” none of your business. It’s none of your business.

You don’t get to decide who earns enough, who has enough, who needs enough. Not in a free society. It’s none of your business. The fact that you’re concerned about other people is a great indication that you’re just a gigantic nag. And that’s the last thing we need. And then of course these idiot hosts, “Yeah, yeah, when is too much money too much?” “Right, like, you know, like at what point is it immoral that we’re building Jeff Bezos a helipad when we have the most amount of homeless -” why do you have the most homeless in New York City?

What do you think is the political system in New York that created that reality, AOC? I mean, your buddies have been running that town for as long as you’ve been alive and then some. Who is responsible for it? What policies gave us an increasing number of people who can’t find jobs, who can’t get enough money to even live in a tent someplace? That’s Jeff Bezos’s fault because we’re building him a helipad. Ahhh, okay.

I realize I should be a little less forceful, but folks, like I told you, I’ve been laughing at these people for 30 years, and it hasn’t worked. It’s like last night, Chuck Barkley was laughing himself silly over Smollett, and he had everybody on that set on TNT cracking up last night. He just destroyed Smollett by laughing at it. What are you doing, dude? You hired muggers with a check? You’re going to commit a crime, you don’t write a check. Who is going to believe two black guys beating up another black guy had anything to do with Trump?

Shaquille O’Neal couldn’t stop laughing. I, myself, couldn’t stop laughing. But it doesn’t work. I wish it did. It used to be that humor was one of the greatest ways to — what’s the word? Inform people. Rather than getting in their face and wagging a finger at them and being serious and tell them what’s what, but this is — even now I can’t stop laughing at it when I think of all the ancillaries of how the Drive-Bys think we’re dealing with brilliance unparalleled here.

But the overarching ingredient in all this, forget the specifics of the deranged and diluted policy, the attitude, the attitude that she and a few others are going to tell everybody else how to live, how to eat, what’s enough, when’s enough, what anybody else can and can’t do, including you. What kind of person has that kind of attitude? It’s a very controlling person, arrogant. Somebody who does not believe in freedom because they do not believe people know what to do with it, can’t be trusted with it, won’t spend their money the right way. The right way defined by what AOC would do with it.

I can remember 25 years ago predicting that they are going to end up trying to tell you what you can eat and can’t eat and people said, “Rush, c’mon, it’s funny, but don’t be serious. You can’t really believe it.” Then here comes Doomberg defining the size of soft drinks that can be purchased in New York City.

After that, we got this babe coming along. I warned everybody they were going to ban toilet paper. Cow farts were going to be one of the leading ingredients to support the idea of climate change because of methane. People laughed at me when I was laughing at them.


RUSH: Give me Dan in Houston next. Dan, great to have you on the program. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. I just wanted to follow up on a comment you made about how AOC demonstrates a breakdown in our education system. I’ve been a junior high school teacher for 30 years, and every time I hear her speak, I’m hearing one of those kids in my classroom, the way she formulates her words that don’t really take you to any relevant point. It’s just a bunch of filler to try to — I don’t know — they don’t know what they’re saying. But every time I hear that, I feel like I’ve just listened to one of those junior high kids.

RUSH: That’s a good observation. She sounds like a junior high student. Does she sound like somebody that is — well, I don’t want to put words in your mouth or lead you, but it sounds to me like somebody trying to sound smart, somebody trying to impress people with how knowledgeable they are. But it isn’t working.

CALLER: Yeah. And it’s like when they don’t know the point they’re trying to make, but they know they need to get to some point of conclusion, they use these wandering kind of words that are connected, which sound very impressive, particularly to who they are hoping to speak to, but when you get right down to it — and the more complex the issue becomes, the more wandering those words become.

RUSH: Well, she’s got a degree in economics, Dan, from Boston University, a degree in economics!

CALLER: Well, then she didn’t learn anything there. (laughing)

RUSH: I mean, but how does it happen? Well, we know how it happens. I’m asking the question rhetorically. And I’m not trying to be mean. I know some people, “You’re just being mean.” No, I’m not, folks, she’s a dominant political force here and you can’t just laugh this off.

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