
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Okay, reminder: Fox News Sunday. I am doing my once-per-year annual appearance with Chris Wallace. Here’s a portion of a promo that they’re running…

ANNOUNCER: A Rush Limbaugh exclusive! From border security funding to the 2020 presidential candidates, Chris has the can’t-miss interview on Fox News Sunday.

RUSH: As of now… It airs live at 9 o’clock Eastern, but not every market carries it live. So you’ll have to check the proverbial local listings. The schedule at the moment is for my segment to begin at 9:17. They have some… They always start out with some politician in the news as the opening segment, and then they’ll have a panel. My segment runs 9:17 for 14 minutes, a commercial break, then the panel.

I’ve often told Wallace, “You know what you ought to do is my interview and then bring me back, put me on the panel, and have me discuss what I just said. Have me analyze what I just said or argue with the other panel members about it.” That has never been suggested except by me, but I’ve always thought that it would be fun, although it’d be tough because they’re in Washington and I will not be. Here, on the local Fox 5 station in Washington, is how it was promoted…

WALLACE: Well, we know we’re gonna have a top White House official to discuss this and answer all the questions, and we’re gonna have an exclusive visit from Rush Limbaugh. He comes about once a year to opine on various things — and given who the president listens to these days, maybe one of his top advisers.

RUSH: There we have it: One of Trump’s “top advisers.” How many times…? It’s a lost cause. The effort to explain this is pointless and fruitless. I’ll bet you I have the chance again on Sunday. Anyway, that’s the reminder. And, since I’m a presidential adviser and Monday is Presidents’ Day, we have a guest host, Ken Matthews, that day. So I’ll be back here and see you on Tuesday.

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