Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Aesthetically Pleasing

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 11,2019

RUSH: Last Thursday, officials in Nogales, Arizona, passed a resolution. They condemned the federal government for installing razor wire on the border wall that runs through the city.

The Nogales City Council complains the razor wire will kill people trying to get past it. They are also outraged that it looks like barbed wire. It’s not “aesthetically pleasing.” Mayor Arturo Garino says Nogales is a safe border town; there’s no need for barbwire. He’s threatening to sue the feds if they don’t take it down. That’s the NBC report from Thursday.

Now, last Friday, CBS had a story from Nogales. Mayor Garino announced that the border to Mexico was temporarily closed. Apparently, a customs officer was forced to shoot a driver who refused to stop at the border and tried to run over the officer.

No resolutions from the Nogales City Council about that, even though people trying to kill our agents at dangerous border crossings isn’t an “aesthetically pleasing” thing to do. So you’ve gotta get rid of the barbed wire, but we don’t care that an agent gets shot?

Welcome to America 2019.

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