Democrats Dig In and Double Down on Baby Killing

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 31,2019

RUSH: They’re not backing down, folks. They are doubling down. The Democrats and child murder, infanticide, they’re not backing down. They’re not trying to dial it back a little bit. They are doubling down on what they’re talking about. And I have some evidence here to show you that I’m right, in part, about why.

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“Virginia Republicans Defeat Democratic Bill Allowing Abortions Up Until Birth — Virginia Republicans on Tuesday killed legislation that would have loosened abortion restrictions after the bill’s sponsor admitted it would allow the procedure even after a mother went into labor,” even after a baby was born, according to the bill’s author and the enlightened governor of the state of Virginia. The author of the bill is Virginia delegate Kathy Tran. She submitted a bill to save caterpillars on the same day as her late state abortion bill. I’m not kidding.

You know what I was thinking about the other day, actually last night. Isn’t the worst charge that the Democrats have been able to make, that they’ve come up with against Trump over the last two years, what is it? Let me just ask you, if you can think of something on your own before I reveal the big answer. What is — and it’s a tough question. I mean, there might be legitimate arguments over which answer is the most correct. But what is the biggest charge against Trump over the last two years?

What is the one thing they’ve said that the media’s amplified, promoted all over the country, has not let it go, it resurfaces over and over and over again. And I’m gonna throw out Trump-Russia collusion ’cause that’s an automatic and there’s nothing to compete with that. But in terms of Trump’s performance as president, what is the one thing that stands above all else that they have routinely roasted Trump for?

Come on, folks. This is easy! Separating children from their mothers at the border. Remember that? The Democrats and the media were shocked. They were outraged over American immigration policy as authored by Donald Trump that would separate babies from their mothers. That would separate families. Never mind the fact that it’s an Obama-era policy. And never mind the fact that Obama’s administration separated more families than Trump could ever hope to because Obama was in orifice for eight years.

Well, what is separating a baby from her mother? Abortion. I know what you’re saying, “But Rush, but Rush, there’s a big argument. Abortion is a woman choosing to do it. With immigration she is not.” It doesn’t matter. You see the moral equivalence here.

So the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, is saying he’s been taken out of context with his statement. Let me grab that statement. It’s late in the list here. Find it. Grab sound bite number 9. This is what we aired yesterday. A lot of people are airing this. And he says that this is out of context.

NORTHAM: If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

RUSH: Now, what the governor says that’s not included in that bite is what he said prior to it. And he claims that he’s talking about babies with deformities, babies with brain diseases, lack of brain activity, Down’s syndrome, and other defects. And while he did say that, he’s not wrong about that. But he did not specify only those circumstances. He was all-in. He did mention those in a long list of justifications for snuffing out the life.

What is it with Democrats and making people comfortable before you kill ’em? You remember ABC had this televised one-hour special from the White House back during the Obama administration where Obama was gonna answer questions from the American serfs about health care. And a woman stood up. And I have said over and over again, when I saw this, I couldn’t believe I was seeing it in America.

But a woman stood up, an American citizen and asked the president of the United States about her mother. Her mother was close to 100 years old and had a tremendous will to live, but needed some kind of surgery, maybe a new kidney or something in order to live. And the woman wanted to know if under Obamacare her mother would be allowed to get that procedure and continue living. And Obama looked right her in the eyes and said (imitating Obama), “No. I don’t think in that situation, uh, we have to make a determination on, uh, who — who — can’t afford it for everybody” and went on and on and on and finally said in a situation like that we would give ’em a pill and make them comfortable.

And he said it professorially, matter-of-factly without any emotion, without any empathy at all. I’m watching, in the first place, why is the president of the United States in charge of who lives and dies? Why is the president of the United States in charge of who gets access to health care and who doesn’t, and then this particular president telling a citizen, “Your mom, how old is she? Nah. Nah. I think in that situation, ’cause we can’t do that for everybody, so we give her a pill, make her comfortable.” And now we’re gonna give babies pills, I guess. We’re gonna make ’em comfortable before we wipe ’em out in Virginia and the state of New York.

Now, I said double down. There are other states that want in on this. So I raised the question the other day, why? What in the name of Sam Hill? I think there’s a number of factors in addition to their hatred for us. I think in the last number of years the states have had some success imposing limitations on abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. And I think it’s angered them like nothing.

I think the Project Veritas videos which documented proof that Planned Parenthood was aborting, killing babies and harvesting the body parts for sale, I think that the last eight years have rocked them. I think state action against abortion, putting limits on the procedure. And then Kavanaugh being confirmed to the Supreme Court and perhaps Trump getting another nominee to the Supreme Court has got them so freaked out over Roe v. Wade being overturned that they’re trying to cram as much in right now as they can to make it impossible to dial this back, to roll it back, to make it impossible for any restrictions to be implanted.

Because once you say that a woman who intends to abort her baby has the right to end that baby’s life even while the baby is being born, during the birth process or afterwards, once you say that, we’re not talking about abortion anymore. We’re talking about infanticide. But I think in addition to those things, it still stands to reason these people have so much hatred for us. And those things I just gave you add to the hatred.

They hate Kavanaugh. They hate Trump. They hate conservative judges that might roll back Roe v. Wade. They just hate, hate, hate. And they love just throwing it back in our face. They love cramming their corruption and their perversion and their sickness right down our throats. And it causes them to get a standing O in the New York State Senate in celebration. In the state of Virginia, there’s nobody apologizing, there’s nobody standing up and trying to walk this back. There’s no Democrat out there saying, “Wait a minute. This is not really what –” No. They’re all doubling down on this.

Last night on the Fox News Channel Tucker Carlson had a guest who makes my point, that these people are filled with an irrational hatred and rage primarily for us and for men as a subset of us. Now, us being religion, God-d, the Catholic Church, Christianity at large, conservatives, the conservative movement, that’s us, and that’s who and what they hate.

So let’s go to the audio sound bites. We have Tucker Carlson interviewing Monica Klein. She is the founding partner of something called Seneca Strategies. And Tucker Carlson’s question, “I wonder what you think about what Dr. Northam, the governor of Virginia, said. The infant is born. There’s a point where the mother and the physician can decide whether to kill the infant or not.” I want you to listen to the anger and the hatred in this woman’s voice. She hates Republicans. She hates Trump. She hates Kavanaugh. Tucker asks her, “What do you think of what the governor of Virginia said?”

KLEIN: (crosstalk throughout) Look, Tucker, I understand that you want to go back to a time where Roe v. Wade was illegal, where women were having back-alley abortions —

TUCKER: Don’t… Don’t give me that. I’m just… C’mon. This is so… Look… All right. All right.

KLEIN: — and they were using coat hangers to have abortions, which is actually what’s barbaric.

TUCKER: Look, c’mon. I’m giving you time to make a real argument. I’m not arguing for the repeal of Roe v. Wade. And please don’t be tiresome. The governor of Virginia — who is a rising star of Democratic Party — just said this. There’s pending legislation that mirrors it, and I’m asking you what you think of it.

KLEIN: Reproductive health care is under attack by the Republican Party. Seventy-two percent of Americans support the right to choose, and yet we have Trump and Kavanaugh trying to repeal Roe v. Wade —

TUCKER: C’mon.

KLEIN: — and try to take away our control of our own bodies.


KLEIN: This isn’t about babies! This is about health care. This is about you attempting to control women’s bodies.

RUSH: That is just… That’s deranged. That is poisonous derangement. That is hatred on display. And, by the way, Ms. Klein, this business about back-alley abortions and coat hangers? You just legalized that in the state of New York, did you not? “Nonmedical personnel” can now perform abortions, including in the back alleys and including with coat hangers! And you know why that might be? You know why they might have had to put that provision in there? Because maybe they’re not gonna be able to find enough doctors willing to kill babies after they’re born.

Maybe they’re not gonna have enough doctors to kill babies while they’re being birthed. But she’s just nothing but a walking cliche. (interruption) Well after the baby is born… This is a great point, by the way. After the baby’s born has got nothing to do with the woman’s body. But you heard her say, “This isn’t about babies. This is about health care. This is about you attempting to control women’s bodies.” This isn’t about babies! They have to say that in order to obliterate their conscience. It isn’t.

This is why from the beginning, pregnancy was an illness. It has been a disease. It has been a source of psychological disorders. Pregnancy is rape and incest. Pregnancy? Women do not know what they’re getting into when they get pregnant! It’s a civil rights issue. It’s a freedom issue. It’s an anti-man issue. “It’s not about babies. This is about health care. This is about you…” She’s looking at Tucker Carlson. “This is about you attempting to control women’s bodies.”

Not after the baby’s born, Monica! The woman’s body is not a factor, and her retort is, “Yes, it is. If the woman wants to abort, you have nothing to say about it. She can abort whenever.” Can she abort when the child is 2 if things aren’t going well? Where does this end? So Carlson’s getting very frustrated because she’s just a walking bunch of hate-filled cliches. So he says, “Don’t be a robot. This is the governor of Virginia saying this! I want to know what you think of it. Is that okay or does any of this bother you?

KLEIN: It bothers me that you are attempting to control women’s bodies.

TUCKER: I’m not attempting to control women’s bodies.

KLEIN: That’s what you’re doing!

TUCKER: You have the governor —

KLEIN: You are!

TUCKER: Look, I’m wondering if you think —

KLEIN: The Republican Party right now is working overtime to repeal Roe v. Wade —


KLEIN: — and take away choice in every state!

TUCKER: I wonder if you think you’re convincing anybody or if your unwillingness to address what just happened today on tape is a sign that you can’t defend this. And if you can’t defend it, I wonder why that is? As an American, as a woman, what do you think of that?

KLEIN: Have you asked…? As a woman what do I think of it?


KLEIN: Have you asked yourself why you spend so much time talking about this rather than thinking about why your party is trying to repeal Roe v. Wade and women’s bodies?

TUCKER: Okay, hold on.

KLEIN: There seven states where there is only one abortion clinic!


KLEIN: This is about a woman’s right to choose, and you as a man should not have a single say in that.

RUSH: Monica Klein, who is incapable of discussing this in terms and within the context of the issue’s current state and evolution. You hear these cliches and these bromides: “Woman’s right to choose!” This is how they’ve always sold this: As a freedom issue, as a civil rights issue, as a health issue. “It’s not about babies!” Well, see, this is what Monica doesn’t get yet. In New York state and, is about the babies! It’s about killing the babies as they are exiting the womb or later! And she can’t even get there.

She’s just gotta continue to stay focused on the arguments they have always used to shut people down, arguments which are nothing more than allegations. Did Tucker Carlson say anything in this interview here about controlling her body or any other woman’s body? But my point is, you heard the irrational hatred and rage. This is not some woman he dragged in off the street. This is a woman who heads a major pro-choice organization, abortion organization called Seneca Strategies. She would be one of the de facto political leaders of this movement. So the anger and the hatred… She hates Republicans; she hates men. It sounds like she hates babies.


RUSH: Let me be clear about something. This is not just something happening in a couple of rogue Democrat states like New York and, in this case, Virginia. The proposal here by Kathy Tran, who is the Virginia delegate that has proposed this legislation that would allow the slaughtering of a baby while it’s being born or afterwards (sorry if the language bothers you, but what else are you gonna call this?) that the governor now is defending, a licensed pediatrician is defending.

This is part of a nationwide plan, folks, from elected Democrats in a lot of states. New York, where you’ve already heard the audio of standing ovations after it was announced that children can be aborted up to the due date and that children can be aborted by nonmedical personnel. Rhode Island has similar legislation. Vermont has similar legislation. New Mexico is getting in on this action. Their quest is to make it a constitutional right! In New York, it has been proclaimed constitutional now.

All of that late-term abortions up to and including during birth, right before the due date, nonmedical personnel. What are we gonna call that, the fourth trimester? You know, we always used the terms these people use. You know, we debate it on their terms. They get to set the language. That’s why you can’t call this “murder.” You can’t! No, no. This is not a murder. This is abortion. It’s inviable tissue mass and so forth. But they’re trying to get late-term abortion passed all over this country very fast now.


RUSH: I just checked the email during the break. “Mr. Limbaugh, this is getting tiresome. I’m so tired of hearing about this issue, abortion. Why do we care? It’s just a bunch of liberals killing their kids, and, frankly, I say, ‘Move on!’ I want to hear about the wall! I want to hear about some of these other issues. I’d rather hear about the NFL and the Super Bowl than this.” It’s actually a good question. I can’t tell you the number of people over the years who have told me, “You’re wasting your time talking about this, Rush, because women are not gonna stop doing this.

“No matter what happens, they’re gonna have abortions. You can’t stop it. It’s been that way since the beginning of time.” Let me state my objective here and purpose here. That’s not really it. I don’t have the power to tell people what to do and what not to do. You know, we do that via society, via our moral code, and laws and public shaming and a number of other things like that. I’m not an autocrat. I’m not even trying to guilt trip anybody. But I am posing something that I think is very, very consequential to our entire country and society.

Folks, it is unmistakable that as life itself becomes cheapened and the sacrosanct respect for it disappears, none of us is worth anything to anybody. If life is worth nothing, then nothing else is going to be worth anything, and it is going to cause — and I would submit to you it already has caused! I think abortion is a major factor in 12- to 15-year-olds murdering each other with guns all over the country. I think the wanton promotion of killing babies cannot possibly not have an impact over the course of years on everybody’s perception of life and the importance of it.

Then you get into who is worthy of living and who isn’t. You start talking about, “Well, a child born into poverty? Who would want to do that to a child?” Well, go check the number of robust, successful, happy people born to poverty. But who are we to say these things? “Somebody’s born to poverty; it’d be better if they didn’t live.” It’s not your decision! It’s not anywhere in your purview. But if we start cheapening life — and I think we’ve been doing it since Roe v. Wade was legalized, made constitutional.

Once it became a constitutional right to kill, then we started debating, “Who else can we kill? Can we kill at the elderly spectrum of life? Can we kill people when we find out when they’re in the womb that they’re gonna be fat, freckled-faced, and redheaded, and the parents don’t want a fat, freckled-faced, and redheaded kid? Can we kill them?” We’re getting there. Wait until it is discovered that homosexuality is genetic, and wait until prospective parents could be told this their child might be gay at birth. You know who’s gonna do the fastest 180 from pro-choice to pro-life? The entire homosexual community is gonna become pro-life overnight.

We’re already down this road toward genetic defects and deficiencies being identified. That’s why in late-term abortion… This governor is sitting there saying, “Well, after the baby is born, we’ll take a look here and see what kind of deficiencies might exist or what kind of deformities.” We know most of these long before birth now because of the scientific advances that have taken place. I’m just telling you: You start cheapening life this way, and then you cheapen it even further by claiming a baby isn’t even a person, a baby isn’t even a human being, and folks, you’re next.

We’re all next depending on who these people are, how much power they get, and the basis on which they determine who gets to live and who doesn’t. What if down the road a bunch of liberals decide, “You know, rather than have to put up with a bunch of opposition, a bunch of conservatives, let’s just wipe ’em out!” You think that will never happen, it can’t happen? Well, no, not tomorrow. But if this stuff doesn’t stop in the next 30 years… Did any of you ever think even 10 years ago, that a major political party would be arguing for the right to kill a baby after it was born?

If I had predicted that 10 years ago on this program and told you that, you all would have thought I’m nuts and you would have demanded that I shut up. You don’t want to hear such things. “It’s ridiculous! You’re going way, way overboard, Rush,” and yet here we are.


RUSH: Grab sound bites 5 and 6.

I want you to hear Kathy Tran, who is the House of Delegates in Virginia Democrat who authored this abomination there. This is Monday, these sound bites are from Monday during a debate and hearing at the House of Delegates. Delegate Todd Gilbert, who is a Republican, is asking Kathy Tran, the Democrat delegate, about the limits of her bill.

GILBERT: Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified? She’s dilating.

TRAN: Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman –

GILBERT: I understand that –

TRAN: — would make at that point.

GILBERT: I’m asking if your bill allows that.

TRAN: My bill would allow that, yes.

RUSH: “My bill would allow that. It’s up to the doctor, and it’s up to the woman, and it’s up to the medical professionals.” And she wanted to make sure she was understood. She said…

TRAN: The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.

GILBERT: Okay. But to the end of the third trimester?

TRAN: Yep. I don’t think we have a limit in the bill.

RUSH: We don’t have a limit in the bill. We don’t have a limit in the bill. That’s Kathy Tran. She’s the author of the legislation in Virginia. Let’s start on the phones. People want to get in — and there are other things out there, too, but I could not in good conscience not lead with this today, but there’s breakout news out there on the wall and all this stuff going on. Schumer’s demanding the intelligence community essentially stage an intervention with Trump, which I thought that’s what Mueller was doing.

Here is Tom in Long Island. It’s great to have you, sir. Glad you’re up first today. Welcome.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I just wanted to say that I think the governor’s clarification was as stupid as his comment. Who gets to decide what a birth defect is? I mean, is it a missing eye? Is it a missing arm? Is it a missing leg? I mean, if the baby can still live. I personally think that if they really want to stop abortion or get people to get it off the table, start telling people that they can figure out if the baby’s homosexual or not and I guarantee you abortion will come off the table.

RUSH: Yeah, well, at least for that group of people. I just made that point. Let me reiterate this because, you know, you’re talking about who gets to decide what a birth defect is. We’re normally thinking something like Down syndrome or other things. Remember all of these, all these birth defects and so forth, when they’re in the hands of political people and not doctors, they are being used to promote abortion! This is what I’ve never been able to make people understand.

When you take this issue and you bring it home to the Democrat Party where it lives, take it out of the hands of doctors, when you’ve essentially got Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer talking to you as a new mother or as a pregnant mother, they’re gonna be advocating that you abort because that’s how they win on the issue! They need as many abortions as they can get. Which is why they also need a never-ending supply of illegal immigrants to replace the underclass they are aborting!

But I’m telling you, when we get to the point — I want to repeat this again — where genetic science advances to the point we’re gonna be able to tell you what kind of child you’re gonna have at the fourth month, fifth month, or whatever, and we’re somewhat there now. But you wait if they ever identify that homosexuality has a specific gene and they tell mom and dad, “Yeah, your child is likely going to be gay,” the fastest 180 from pro-choice to pro-life is gonna happen. The entire homosexual community, particularly the political aspect of it, is gonna become pro-life overnight.


RUSH: Now, look. Let me remind everybody of something. Excuse me. I mentioned this in the first hour at the top of the program. This business in Virginia was defeated. It is not law of the land. Right now it is just the Democrat Party wish list. But this Kathy Tran idea of killing — the governor endorsed and spoke out. The Republicans defeated that 5-3 in a subcommittee vote, and the vote was to table the thing. But they only defeated it 5-3. Not 8 to nothing. There were three votes for this!

And I want to you to know the names of the Democrats who voted for this abortion bill in Virginia. Vivian Watts of Annandale, Michael Mullin of the Tidewater area, and Jeffrey Bourne of Henrico County and Richmond. All of these are left-wing urban areas, and all three of these people voted for it. Now, everybody knew it wasn’t gonna get out of committee. This is a stunt, so far. But as with everything on the left, whenever they do something it’s not the end anything. It’s just the beginning of something.

This is the beginning of the next phase of where they want to take abortion. New York state’s beat them to it. New York state’s way ahead of them in Virginia. This is an attempt — you know what happens. It’s the reverse of defining deviancy down. So they make the proposal to make it legal to terminate the life of a baby after it’s born or at the moment it’s being born. And everybody has the cow reaction, “Oh, my God. It’s horrible, my God.” You get that out of your system, and maybe two months later, six months later you come around and propose it again. And the reaction is a little less strenuous.

And then you come back in maybe a year or two, you propose it again. This is how they wear people down on these things, by continually coming back, returning to issues and trying to get them passed. No defeat is ever a defeat. So what this is is a marker for where they want to go. They’re not there yet in Virginia but it’s where they want to go.

Don in Newark, Ohio, you’re next. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush Limbaugh. Can you tell me why it is men have no reproductive rights?

RUSH: Yeah. I can tell you within the confines of the law. Why they have no reproductive rights culturally is another thing, but the simple and real answer to your question is found in Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade effectively granted women total sovereignty over their bodies. The fathers of the babies involved, the men involved have no right whatsoever by virtue of the demands of women who pushed the concept. So illegally it’s Roe v. Wade that basically eliminates the role of any man in reproductive decisions. Now, culturally and societally, then your answer to that would be the Democrat Party, which is been pushing for women’s rights, men are subjugating women, men are barbaric, men are brutes, men can’t be trussed with their own kids. It’s all part of that line of thinking.

CALLER: It seems like it should be equal rights under the law thing.

RUSH: Not where liberalism — no. No. Men have no equality here. Men are the problem. See, all this is being done in reaction to all this patriarchal power that privileged white men have been exuding over this country since the founding. This is about getting even with men and white men for the mistreatment of women, the mistreatment of minorities, the mistreatment of the country, the mistreatment of sea turtles. This is what all of this is about. Folks, it may not sound like it’s true, but it is.


RUSH: I know. If men have no rights over reproduction when a woman has kids then how can he be forced to pay child support? Because they are to blame for the suffering. And we will be back.


RUSH: First up — and this is from the Washington Examiner: “Virginia Lawmaker Apologizes for Co-sponsoring Late-Term Abortion Bill without Reading It — A state lawmaker in Virginia apologized to her constituents Thursday for failing to read controversial abortion legislation before she co-sponsored it. Delegate Dawn Adams (Democrat-Richmond), said she ‘made a mistake’ when she did not read fellow Delegate Kathy Tran’s bill that would allow abortions in the third trimester” and the fourth trimester.

That’s what we’re calling here at the EIB Network post-birth: The fourth trimester.

“But Rush, there can’t be four in a three.” That’s right. But since the Democrats are involved… Look, the point is to communicate, right? The fourth trimester. That’s when they want to permit abortions to continue. Now, Dawn Adams said (impression), “I vaguely remember signing on to this, and I did this in solidarity with my colleague and as a symbolic gesture for a woman’s right to choose. I am sorry that I did not exercise due diligence before this explosion of attention; had I done so, I would not have co-patroned.”


(impression) “Don’t hold it against me! I was just supporting a woman’s right to choose, and I instinctively support a woman’s right to choose because of all of the Brett Kavanaugh types that want to take it away.” I’m extrapolating. She didn’t really say that but that’s what she meant. “I can’t be blamed! I was simply protecting a woman’s right to choose.” Now, the bill — again, just to remind you — “never made it out of subcommittee, galvanized the pro-life movement in Virginia and nationwide.” Governor Northam has said (summarized), “Hey, I said what I said but you took it out of context.” This woman, Dawn Adams, has apologized for cosponsoring without having read it.

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