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RUSH: You know, I was talking to the vice president about all of the video and audio sound bites of Pelosi and Hillary and Schumer and Obama advocating for a wall, promising to spend money for a wall as far back as 2005, 2009. Here’s a little montage.

I mean, the sound bites are much longer than this. But we’ve put together just 21 seconds. I want you to hear this: Chuck Schumer from 2009, Hillary Clinton 2015, Barack Obama from 2005. It’s No. 26.

SCHUMER 2009: Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.

HILLARY 2015: I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

OBAMA 2005: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

RUSH: Here, play it again. I want people to get this. Chuck Schumer from 2009, Hillary Clinton from 2015, and Obama from 2005. These are all Democrats. In 2009, Obama’s president. In 2005, George W. Bush is president. In 2015, Obama is president. They’re all for a wall. They’re all for paying for a wall. They all announce why we need a wall. Listen again…

SCHUMER 2009: Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.

HILLARY 2015: I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

OBAMA 2005: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

RUSH: Okay. So what’s new? What’s different? What’s changed? By the way, the money that was on the table to build a barrier (a wall, a fence, whatever) back when these three were discussing this, at one time got up as high as I think $56 billion. Now, Trump is talking about $5.1 billion, and you want to talk about who’s playing politics here? It’s these people.

This is simply not gonna happen because Donald Trump would benefit from it. Remember, this is about denying Trump reelection 2020. It’s about getting Trump out of office before 2020. It is pure politics — pure, 100% politics. These people are the biggest, blatant… You will not find greater examples of hypocrisy than this.


RUSH: We don’t even have to go way back. Here’s a story from the AP, January 20, 2018. One year ago: “Schumer Pulls Back Offer of $25 Billion for Trump’s Wall as Immigration Fight Continues.” As recently as a year ago, Schumer was okay with $25 billion. The “2008 Democratic Party Platform Calls for More ‘Infrastructure’ on the Border, More Agents,” and more barriers. The Democrat Party platform, 2008.


RUSH: Here’s Anita in Augusta, Georgia. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. Wow. First-time caller to you. Rush, my question is for a wall. I drive for a living, I’m on the road a lot. All along interstates you have fences in rural areas. In the major cities around Atlanta, all around Nashville, you have these 20-foot sound barrier walls. Every military installation in the United States and in other countries, our military, have major walls and major fences around. They have barbed wire on top. Why is it it’s our border, we can’t have a fence? What’s wrong with it?

RUSH: Well, of course you’re asking that question rhetorically, right?

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: Right. And as the president points out, look at the wall at the Vatican. If you haven’t been there, do a Google search of photos of the Vatican. You’ll be stupefied at the size of the wall, and it’s around the whole damn thing. It’s a city-state and there is a wall around the entire thing.

CALLER: There’s a wall around any of the embassies in Italy, in Germany. All embassies have walls, have 10 foot, 15 foot walls around them.

RUSH: So does the White House. So does the United States Capitol. You can’t just walk in these places. Here, I want you to listen to a little sound bite with me here, Anita. This is Chuck Schumer from 2009, Hillary Clinton from 2015, and Barack Hussein O, The One, from December of 2005.

SCHUMER 2009: Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.

HILLARY 2015: I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

OBAMA 2005: We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

RUSH: So what do you think of that, Anita?

CALLER: Well, it’s the truth, but because five years, 10 years ago that was their opinion, who’s now paying them to change their opinion?

RUSH: Well, that’s a good question, but I’m gonna tell you, I don’t think it requires payment. I think all that they have in mind is getting rid of Trump and denying Trump reelection in 2020. Nobody would have to pay ’em to do this. They wake up with this point of view. I get your point, the donors and this kind of thing. That question is actually more applicable to Republicans, who’s paying them to essentially agree with Democrats.

Now, if you look at the timing of these statements, Chuck Schumer in June of 2009, there’s no election coming up then, Obama would have just been inaugurated. This is five months after Obama has begun his first term. November 9th, 2015, when was Election Day? So this is part of the campaign, 2015. You know, Trump came down the escalator in June of 2015.

And Trump came down the escalator talking about the murderers and the rapists and the purse snatchers and the basic human debris that’s crossing the border. And we remember everybody laughed and said this guy just killed his candidacy. This guy’s toast after his announcement speech. Remember that? Okay. Well, this was just six months later. And Hillary Clinton is echoing Donald Trump and wanting everybody to know that when she was a senator, she voted to spend money to build a barrier. So that was part of a campaign.

Obama December 15, 2005, he’s a senator. He’s not even president. He’s not even running for president. There’s no campaign then. Probably some budget deal going on then. But these people all — and only one of them during a campaign where you might be suspicious of their seriousness — were flat-out advocating a wall, advocating money for it, and bragging about how they had supported it!

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