Drive-By Media Meltdown — Over Me

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 21,2018

RUSH: Here’s the montage, folks, just to show you. This is the… Do we have time? Yeah, we do. This is the Drive-By Media. As I say, they’ve been mad at me in the past, and they have attempted to impugn me and destroy me and all that. But those were over surface things like Michael J. Fox or Donovan McNabb. This is substance. This! This is… They’re just beside themselves. Listen to this…

NINA TURNER: Does he serve the American people, or does he serve Rush Limbaugh?

BRIAN STELTER: … Rush Limbaugh challenging the president to do something and then what did Trump do this afternoon? He sent a message to Limbaugh, reassuring him, “Yes, I will shut down the government.”

CHUCK TODD: (newsroom noise) Did he not realize Rush Limbaugh took him seriously and literally?

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: We’re less than 18 hours away from a government shutdown — seemingly thanks, in part, to Rush Limbaugh.

ELEANOR CLIFT: He’s paying attention to, uh, Rush Limbaugh.

BILL KRISTOL: … listening to Rush Limbaugh. This is a moment of just, “Are you kidding me?”

ALI VELSHI: If it wasn’t obvious that Trump was controlled by these right-wing factions, Rush Limbaugh made it clear.

SAM STEIN: He hears Rush Limbaugh yell at him over the radio.

ELI STOKOLS: … the pressure that he responds to. It’s not people in Congress trying to explain that system to him. It’s Rush Limbaugh.

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Rush Limbaugh accused the president of caving.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: …Rush Limbaugh calling the play. … listening to Rush Limbaugh. Is Rush Limbaugh (sputtering) the chicken or the egg here?

HOWARD FINEMAN: … lectured to by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

ARI MELBER: …Rush Limbaugh of all people!

JOAN WALSH: The president of the United States cares more about the policy wisdom of Rush Limbaugh than General Mattis.

RUSH: Ha! (laughing) Do you believe this? Ahh, I wish my parents were still alive. They would not… They would not believe it. Here’s “Baghdad Jim” McGovern, Democrat from… Wait a minute. No, this is not “Baghdad Jim.” Sorry. This is different, Jim McGovern, Democrat, Massachusetts, that is last night on the floor of the House.

MCGOVERN: The American people chose a different course. They don’t want a government that reacts only to the wants of the president’s ever-shrinking base, the small segment of society who actually supports his offensive border wall. If the president’s most senior advisors are Fox & Friends and Rush Limbog (sic), maybe we shouldn’t be surprised where we find ourselves here today.

RUSH: “Rush Limbog.” You hear that? “Rush Limbog.” By the way, Congressman McGovern, the “small segment of society [that] supports his border wall”? I think it was enough to get him elected president, sir.


RUSH: The Senate has been voting on a procedure just now to call up what the House passed last night. It’s a parliamentary procedure. They have to do this in order to get to an actual vote on the amendment to the continuing resolution that the House passed with the $5 billion. It’s actually $8 billion because there’s some money in there for disaster relief. They thought that if they… Get this. Get this. The money for the wall is $5 billion, give or take. It’s $5.1 billion, four-point-something, $5 billion.

They thought in the House if they added, like, three or four billion for disaster relief, that that might entice some support in the Senate. Because after all, who opposes disaster relief? Like for the next hurricane in Haiti or tsunami in Indonesia. So they added a “sweetener,” something that Congress never turns down. “Disaster relief? Why, to turn that down would say that we’re cold-hearted.” So that’s actually what the whole package is. It didn’t work. It didn’t change anybody’s mind about this.

McConnell has met with Trump at the White House this morning and so far, appears to be — appears to be — standing with Trump. Now, Bob Corker, outgoing senator from Tennessee, Republican, said that Trump is suffering from the “tyranny of talk radio,” and he mentioned me and Sean Hannity. The “tyranny of talk radio”? Stop and think about that. The “tyranny of talk radio.” Forget “talk” radio. The “tyranny of … radio.” This is a U.S. senator! The “tyranny of talk radio.”

Anyway, here we go. I’m looking at clock. I’ve got four minutes here. I’ve got… Okay, first up, I want to show you some meltdown samples and let you hear them. We have a montage here. Democrats and Drive-By Media people saying that Trump is plunging the country into “chaos.”

WOLF BLITZER: (melodramatic music) President Trump throws the nation’s capital into chaos!

BIANNA GOLODRYGA: (melodramatic music) Chaos in the capital!

HODA KOTB: (melodramatic music) Chaos in Washington!

CECILIA VEGA: (melodramatic music) Chaos in Washington!

CHUCK SCHUMER: (haltingly) President Trump is plunging the country into chaos!

JIM ACOSTA: (outdoor noise) … much of this city in chaos!

LEON PANETTA: This country right now is going through a steady diet of chaos!

ALI VELSHI: … an administration and a president in chaos! Total chaos!

JIM SCIUTTO: The word of the day at the White House: Chaos!

PAMELA BROWN: … chaos on Capitol Hill!

CHRIS CUOMO: … all kinds of chaos!

RACHEL MADDOW: …ever-erupting chaos!

CHARLIE DENT: … disorder and dysfunction, constant chaos!

DON LEMON: If you’re worried tonight (dramatic pause), you should be. Chaos in Washington. No one knows what’s next.

RUSH: That was The Smartest Man in Washington. It was Don Lemon there at the end. “If you’re worried tonight, you should be. Chaos in Washington. No one knows what’s next.” Yes, we do. We know what’s gonna happen, Don. This is gonna end. Some people are gonna be happy, some people not. This is not chaos! This is Washington working! This is the government working! This is you not getting your way each and every day!

You didn’t win the election, Don! Elections have consequences! There’s no chaos except on your side because you’re losing your system. You’re losing control of what you’ve always been able to count on. You’re realizing you actually don’t run things, and that’s why there’s chaos. A.B. Stoddard last night on Fox, Special Report with Bret Baier. Now, A.B., I need to tell you, she’s worked at a bunch of stuff.

She’s worked at TheHill.com. She’s worked at… Well, everywhere. And her reputation is she right down the middle. She’s a straight shooter. You… When you listen to A.B. Stoddard or when you read A.B. Stoddard, you don’t know whether she’s a left-winger, right-winger. You don’t know any. That’s how good she is. Well, she had a meltdown on Bret Baier’s Special Report last night.

STODDARD: The nation’s fourth graders know this is no way to run a lemonade stand. This is completely irresponsible. The markets are rattling on the prospect of a shutdown. The president time and again is contemptuous of process and of compromise. He doesn’t have 60 votes. He must compromise. He was all for a DACA deal. He refused to take it. He took four positions on the Goodlatte bill.

BAIER: I get it. I get it.

STODDARD: He refuses to do the hard work.

BAIER: If he listens to the Mark Meadows and the Jim Jordans and the other people on the House floor —

STODDARD: They don’t know what they’re talking about! This is political malpractice. They’re wrong!

RUSH: (impression) “They don’t know what they’re taking about.” Members of Congress don’t know what they’re talking about. “Political malpractice! He refuses to compromise with us.” I guess there goes the end of A.B. Stoddard being seen as a centrist down the middle who you don’t know who she is. (sputtering) “He doesn’t have 60 votes he has to compromise it’s like last year he was offered a DACA deal. He refused to take it.”

Yeah. There was a shutdown. Three days.

We’re all still here, aren’t we?

We’re all still breathing.

We’re all still eating.

Climate change hasn’t killed us.

There was a government shutdown for three days in January. Chuck Schumer arranged it. So Trump will not suffer. He will not bite. He will not cave. He will not give you what you want, and so what do you have? Political malpractice? It’s political malpractice when elected president refuses to go along with the media, political malpractice when he refuses to cave to demands of Democrats and media who hate his guts? “Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan? They don’t know what they’re talking about! It’s political malpractice! They have no idea what they’re talking about. He doesn’t have 60 votes! He knows he doesn’t have 60 votes. ”

Yeah. He may know that.

So what is he doing?

Let’s wait and see, folks, ’cause it’s gonna be fun.


RUSH: One more sound bite here in case you missed this. We played this at the top of the hour. We put together a montage of all the Drive-By Media that have gone ballistic when they found out — when they were led to believe — that Trump made this decision on shouting the government because of me. Now, the media over the course of the years have tried to do great damage, harm my business, get rid of me, whatever, on things like that Michael J. Fox or Donovan McNabb, some of these surface things, Sandra Fluke. This … is different. This, they are beside themselves. They cannot stand this.

So we put together a montage of Drive-By people going ballistic when they found out or think Trump listened to me.

NINA TURNER: Does he serve the American people, or does he serve Rush Limbaugh?

BRIAN STELTER: … Rush Limbaugh challenging the president to do something and then what did Trump do this afternoon? He sent a message to Limbaugh, reassuring him, “Yes, I will shut down the government.”

CHUCK TODD: (newsroom noise) Did he not realize Rush Limbaugh took him seriously and literally?

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: We’re less than 18 hours away from a government shutdown — seemingly thanks, in part, to Rush Limbaugh.

ELEANOR CLIFT: He’s paying attention to, uh, Rush Limbaugh.

BILL KRISTOL: … listening to Rush Limbaugh. This is a moment of just, “Are you kidding me?”

ALI VELSHI: If it wasn’t obvious that Trump was controlled by these right-wing factions, Rush Limbaugh made it clear.

SAM STEIN: He hears Rush Limbaugh yell at him over the radio.

ELI STOKOLS: … the pressure that he responds to. It’s not people in Congress trying to explain that system to him. It’s Rush Limbaugh.

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: Rush Limbaugh accused the president of caving.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: …Rush Limbaugh calling the play. … listening to Rush Limbaugh. Is Rush Limbaugh (sputtering) the chicken or the egg here?

HOWARD FINEMAN: … lectured to by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

ARI MELBER: …Rush Limbaugh of all people!

JOAN WALSH: The president of the United States cares more about the policy wisdom of Rush Limbaugh than General Mattis.

RUSH: What does that mean? I didn’t advise him on Syria. I didn’t tell him a thing! In fact, I would have told him not to do what he did on Syria. I’d have been on the same page as Mad Dog Mattis on that.

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