Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 10,2018

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Dec 10, 2018


Daily Wire: Trump: Unable To Find Collusion, Dems Now Focusing On ‘Private Transaction’ That’s At Worst A ‘Civil Case, Like Obama’s’
FOXNews: Why Trump is Likely to be Indicted by Manhattan US Attorney – Andrew C. McCarthy
Reuters: U.S. Senate Approves Bill to Address Capitol Hill Sexual Harassment
Politico: Obama 2008 Campaign Fined $375,000
Washington Post: Tillerson Calls Trump Undisciplined. Trump Calls Tillerson ‘Dumb as a Rock.’
FOX Business: Trump Should ‘Dig In,’ Not ‘Give In’ When It Comes to Border Wall, Lindsey Graham Says
CNSNews: Nadler: Trump Committed ‘Massive Frauds Against the American People’; Could Be Impeachable Offenses
Politico: Why Greens Are Turning Away From a Carbon Tax
New Republic: The “Duckie Pajamas” Congressman Used Taxpayer Dollars to Secretly Settle a Sexual Harassment Suit
Daily Caller: US Leads The World In Cutting CO2 Emissions, But That’s Not Good Enough For The UN
Comey Admits Damning Fact About Anti-Trump FISA Warrant Abuse In Closed-Door Testimony
CNN: Comey Calls on Americans to ‘Use Every Breath We Have’ to Oust Trump in 2020
The Hill: Comey’s Confession: Dossier Not Verified Before, or After, FISA Warrant – John Solomon
The Hill: FBI Email Chain May Provide Most Damning Evidence of FISA Abuses Yet – John Solomon
Bloomberg: Screen Time Changes Structure of Kids’ Brains, ‘60 Minutes’ Says
France24: More Than a Thousand Arrested in Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests
Wall Street Journal: Paris Riots Reveal Disillusion and Despair in French Hinterlands
AP: Macron Promises Tax Relief, Help for Pensioners
Reuters: UK’s May Pulls Vote on Her Divorce Deal, Thrusting Brexit into the Unknown
AP: EU Official: Bloc Won’t Renegotiate Brexit Deal
UK Express: Italy Walks Out on UN Migration Meeting Saying National Borders are No Business of the UN
Bloomberg: France to Probe Possible Russian Influence on Yellow Vest Riots
NewsBusters: ABC, NBC Hype President Trump’s ‘Inevitable’ Impeachment By Dems
Investor’s Business Daily: Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:

