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RUSH: Grab sound bite No. 3. Arnold Schwarzenegger. I throw these in here because they’re a little lighthearted and will serve the purposes of making you laugh. Schwarzenegger yesterday was in Katowice, Poland, at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, The Terminator. (impression) “I’ll be back.” Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be a guy that made sense, and here’s a portion of what he said in Poland at the U.N. Climate Change Conference…

SCHWARZENEGGER: You’re wrong when you say that America dropped out of the Paris Agreement. It is the states and the cities, these local governments that control 70% of our emissions. The United States is still in. Yes, we have a mashugana leader in Washington that is not in; that is out. But remember that America’s more than just Washington or one leader.

RUSH: Here. Play the next one. We got time to squeeze it in.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I wish that I could be the Terminator in real life to be able to travel back in time and to stop all fossil fuels when they were discovered.

RUSH: When did Arnold start turning south? When did it start going south for Arnold, do you think? See, I think I know. I mean, what an idiot. That’s just sad.

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