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RUSH: Okay, folks, this is it. This is the last day of a very special promo that we’re doing for the Rush Limbaugh Store at RushLimbaugh.com or the EIB Store. This is our revamped, restocked market merchandise store. We’ve stocked it now with special items for the holiday season. We have a special handmade Christmas tree ornament that we make every year and make available. This year is no different. We have special editions that make great, great Christmas presents, Christmas gifts.

It’s wintertime in a lot of the country. We have long sleeve apparel that we’ve added for both men and women. And it’s by popular demand. You know, we had the EIB Store languishing there for number of years, because, frankly, folks, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t like saying “go to my site, buy this, buy that.” I’ve often felt queasy about it. But we started getting requests from people to update the merchandise. The shirts and the caps in there had been there for years and they hadn’t been updated. And that was my fault. I had not wanted it updated.

But then public and popular demand set in. We decided that if we’re gonna do it, that we’re gonna it top flight and top draw. So the whole thing has been redesigned, it has been reengineered. You’re gonna find one of the smoothest, most efficient and best customer service operations in all of online commerce at the EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com.

Now, we’ve got this special promo that we’re running here that ends by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time tonight. All you have to do is shop. All you have to do to be entered is shop, and here is what can be won. Somebody’s gonna win this. A four-day/three-night trip to Palm Beach, Florida, in a five-star resort or equivalent. You are gonna pick the date. We’re not gonna tell you you have to come in the middle of hurricane season when the hotels are closed. We’re not gonna tell you that you have to come during the cheapest time. You can come whenever you want to come. As long as we can find space in this top drawer place, you name it.

You get to bring a person with you. If you win and can’t make it, you can give it away, you can transfer it. Nothing about this is going to be uncomfortable or difficult at all. It’s going to be the essence of easy. You’re gonna get meals. You’re gonna get flights to and from. You’re gonna have photos taken with me and some of the EIB team, some of the highly overrated staff. Four days and three nights. And our objective is that our end of it’s not gonna cost you a thing. It’s truly a prize that’s worthy of winning.

And, again, all you have to do to enter is shop by the end of today at the Rush Limbaugh Show Store at RushLimbaugh.com. We’ve got some great high quality items in the store now as a result of public and popular demand. Great gifts for Dittoheads everywhere. The packaging that you’re going to see this stuff arrive at your home, you’re gonna drool over that. If you have to call us, if you have to get in touch with us for some confusion or mistake over the order, you’re gonna be dazzled at the speed and the efficiency of the customer service.

We have the absolute best cap for the price point you could get made by New Era. It comes in off white and navy blue and it is made by New Era which makes the caps for Major League Baseball teams and have for years. They’re out of the Buffalo area. And, remember, as you shop a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, which is a charitable organization that provides college scholarships for the children of Marines killed in action.

So it’s a time of year where everybody’s doing some Christmas shopping, trying to come up with unique items. As you’re doing that, visit our store. You’ll be intrigued by a number of things that you see there. And you know what? I actually hope you need to use customer service so you’ll find out how really, really special it is and how really great the people we have in this operation are. Some of the finest people doing this that you’ll ever run into.

So, hurry. Shop today to be automatically entered. By the way, you do get to meet me. I’m not trying to undersell that, but you will, of course, be able to meet me, and not just a meet-and-greet where I wave at you while walking by. It will be a serious meet-and-greet. The official rules are posted for your review. And, again, the prize can be gifted. You can transfer it.

This isn’t like when you win something somewhere else where you really wish you hadn’t won it. There’s no hassle to this whatsoever. If you win, you want to give the trip to a family member, a die-hard show fan, you can. It’s RushLimbaugh.com, the EIB Store easily found at our website, shop by the end of the day, you’re automatically entered to win our Christmas promo.


By the way, I have to mention something — a little bitty add-on here. Some of you who shop at the new Rush Limbaugh Store, EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com, you’re gonna get items in there autographed by me because I have been going up and helping fulfill some of the orders. I have to oversee the operation. I have to go up there and I have to make sure that the systems are working. I wish… I was thinking about videoing it and showing you how this works, ’cause we’ve got this down to such a science. The fulfillment. You would not believe how cool this is, the way the orders come in.

We go to the places on the rack, we scan ’em three or four times, get ’em in the right places, make sure they go into the right box and then into the right bin to go into the right place in the post office. It is a masterful operation, and it happens lightning fast ’cause we got orders coming in left and right. Anyway, I stop and sign some of the stuff. Not the actual merchandise. I sign a card to throw in there or maybe include an autographed picture. So some of you lucky customers are gonna get autographed stuff from me — and, if that happens, you’ll know that I fulfilled or helped fulfill your order.


RUSH: One final reminder. This is it! You have to shop at the EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com by the end of the day today — midnight today, 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time — to be qualified to be entered in the great promo where you might win a four-day/three-night trip to see all of us here at the EIB Network in Palm Beach. That’s RushLimbaugh.com and the EIB Network store.

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