Trump Endorses Pelosi for Speaker

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 19,2018

RUSH: I was just watching CNN, and I don’t know who it was. A Republican member of Congress was being interviewed about his intention to vote for Pelosi for speaker. Have you noticed that Trump has endorsed Pelosi for speaker? What do you think is going on with that? How many of you…? Let me ask you a serious question.

How many of you are worried that Trump may drop some of the populism and start using the language that appeals to people on the left because of the results of the midterm elections two weeks ago and his desire to get reelected? How many of you are starting to worry about it? Maybe none of you. I don’t know. I’m just asking open-ended. I see Trump complimenting Pelosi and encouraging her to be voted upon as the speaker of the House, and then I see this Republican member of Congress on CNN: “Oh, yeah! I’m ready to vote for Pelosi.”

What is going on here? Anybody have any ideas? Don’t be confused; I do. Don’t interpret that I’m angry or anything of the sort here in the tone of my question. I’m just asking if anybody else has noticed.

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